part twenty five - bullying

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Aois p.o.v

This isn't needed.

It's just going to make it harder for them.

The pain still likes to play with me, letting me think that one moment it's gone, and the next its stabbing me in the side.

We start walking to the stairs, getting looks, like I expected, so I hide as well as I can, but it's hard.

Ayano and akane remain alert, and over protective, whilst the others remain as the human barricade.

Where is she? This is way to dangerous, I don't like it.

“She's too quiet. “ I warn ayano, who nods, scanning the corridor, as we make it to the third floor.

“What's this?” Beruma laughs, catching itachi, shozo, enpistu, budo and osanas attention.


“None if your concern.” Ayano retorts, as we stop, as they block us from going any further. Itachi laughs, and budo walks closer.

“So why are they helping you?” He asks, smirking straight at ayano. I know they know about her yandere past, and well, this isn't going to end well.

“Because we are.” Saki replies, annoyed, making osana snicker.

“Baka! Aren't you forgetting who they are!” She yells, getting a nod from beruma and enpitsu. Shozo shrugs and walks away, obviously not bothered.

Ayano twitches, making taro grab her hand, to calm her down. I don't want to now how akane is, as she stands behind me, her anger radiating everywhere.

“Ayano was the cause of this, because this one copied her! Akane attacked Shiromi! Aoi is their pathetic goal! And kuroko doesn't care about us, and only the schools reputation!” Osana yells, pointing at all of us.

Wait. Kuroko, she cares about the schools reputation? Does that mean she didn't….

“We know exactly who they are.” Kokona yells back, as the others dont say anything, taro slightly scared, at ayanos decreasing sanity.

“hmph, whatever, your all idiots.” itachi remarks walking away, with budo. Beruma takes one look, and walks away, leaving enpistu and osana.

“Whatever.” Osana mumbles, walking away, having enpistu hurry away, like he's seen a ghost.

“Lets go.” Akane says, her voice way lower than usual, startling taro. He nods, and we make our way to the entrance of the info room, finally.

“Is she there?” I ask, as the others leave, waving goodbye. Ayano pauses, and places her hand on the door. Akane remains alert, and the pain makes me stagger, as I lose my energy in my legs.

Kuroko keeps me up, but I gesture her away, scared of what akane would do. “I could do this..” Ayano starts, walking to the curtain. She pauses, but opens them, looking through.

Snickers echo around the corridor, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I glance around, still not liking how nothing has happened.

“She's in there, pacing around. The place is a mess.” Ayano states, walking back to the door.

She knocks once, and everything goes quiet, making me panic.

Ayano even shakes, with fear, as nothing answers.

“Who is it?” A voice asks, from the other side of the room, making us jolt, but ayano leans against the door, like her life depends on it.

“Ayano, I'm with aoi, akane and kuroko, we need to ask if we can stay in there, as a safe zone.” She asks, standing back up, hesitant and nervous. I remain quiet, with kuroko standing beside me, and akane at the back, looking around.

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