part six

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Mattia Polibio

Adeya was going off on some topic we were thinking about, but I started to lose focus. Her eyes sparkled and her smile was as wide as I had ever seen it.

It made me happy just looking at her.

She was perfect. She was such a nice person and was someone you could hold a conversation with. She had an amazing personality and boy, was she gorgeous. Every minute I talked to her it seemed that she magically got more beautiful, which I thought was impossible.

We had finished our yogurt and were just sitting here talking. But were rudely interrupted when Adeya felt a rain drop.

"I just felt a rain drop!" She completley stopped mid sentence to shout that out. I laughed and grabbed her cup as I headed to the trash. But half way there, it started pouring. Out of no where. Rain came pouring down on us.

Adeya screamed and we ran across the parking lot to my car.

I unlocked my door and sat in, leaving hers locked.

She stood outside the door, getting drenched in water.

"Mattia!! Mattia Polibio! Open this door right now!" She screamed and I laughed from inside my car. "Mattiaaaaaa!" She shouted even louder and I finally decided to let her in.

"You're an asshole." She said sitting in the car. Her hair dripping. I started the car and we laughed.

"The rain came out of no where." I said driving down the street.

"Wait stop!" Adeya screamed causing me to swerve over to the side of the road in panic.

"Adeya, What?" I shouted but she was already out of the car heading to the park we stopped in front of.

"The dog's stuck!" She shouted as I got out, jogging over to her. I could hardly see due to the rain being so heavy. But sure enough, a little puppy we stuck between a fence. There wasn't a collar or anything on this puppy.

"Hey bud.." She said comforting him by patting his head. "I'm going to help you." She said. She pushed on the dog, hard but not hard enough to hurt him. His little body squeezed through the fence a little.

"Mattia, can you help me?" She said, pulling back her hair that was sticking to her face.

"Yeah of course." I said.

"Hop the fence and pull on the puppy." She said and I did just as she said.

We soon got the puppy out and I handed it to her as I hopped back over the fench.

I watched Adeya sit down on the ground and pet the puppy, she seemed oblivious to the fact that it was pouring rain.

"Ok bud, go on." She patted him once more and he took off running down the field.

I reached my hand out for her and she took it as I helped her up. We ran back to the car.

"I'm so sorry." She said.

"For what?" I laughed.

"Making you stand in the pouring rain." She said, her mascara was smudged slightly under her eyes and her hair was sticking to her.

"I didn't mind it at all. Seeing you help that puppy was one of the coolest things. You're different Adeya." I glanced up at her but then focused my eyes back on the road.

I pulled up to her house and ran out to open the door for her.

"Thank you." She smiled widely and we ran up to her front porch. The rain couldn't hit us from where we were standing.

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