Don't Ever Show Your Face Again

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I groaned as I opened my eyes. The light making it hurt so I have to close it again. After some time I finally opened my eyes again. I notice that I was in the hospital. ZhuoCheng was sleeping at the couch as another guy was sitting beside him. I turned to my side as I saw the guy who did this to me sleeping while sitting beside my bed on a chair.

I wanted to get mad at him but with that face of his I couldn't bring myself to do it. He was actually handsome. Long eye lashes, define jaw, pointy nose, and plump lips. It makes me want to drool over him.

But I ignored it and glared at him before I heard someone talk.

'I'm sorry for what my brother did to you Xiao Zhan.' I turned towards the guy who's sitting right next to ZhuoCheng who's head is on that guy's lap.

'Who are you?' I asked as I sat up.

'I'm Wang HaiKuan and that is my little brother Wang Yibo. Last night he was drugged by a strong kind of aphrodisiac. So we went to the bar to look for someone who can help him and he stumbled upon you. I'm truly sorry.' I glared at him before laughing bitterly.

'So just because he stumbled upon me he decided to fuck me with no mercy at all. He even released inside of me. Are you fucking kidding me? He did me for who knows how long even though I'm already begging him to stop he didn't listen.' I angrily yelled making the two sleeping to wake up.

'Zhan.' ZhuoCheng immediately went to my side and hug me tight.

I glared at Wang Yibo who's silently looking at me.

'Xiao Zhan please hear me out. If my brother didn't find someone to do it with him he would've died since the drug was too strong.' Wang HaiKuan tried to explain again.

'Why me? Why not someone else?' I asked as tears began to make their way down my face.

'We don't have much time to look for anyone else. And the first person he stumbled upon was you just as we entered through the back door. So my brother decided that it's you who will help him while I accompany your friend.' I cried some more finally remembering what happened last night.

It truly was a horrible one. I was forced and fucked till morning with no care at all. And now I might get pregnant because of Wang Yibo.

'Even so he could've done it with me gently not like he was raping me. I couldn't even tell if I felt good about what happened last night or not. All I remember is me crying and begging him to be more gentler.' I yelled again as ZhuoCheng hugged me tighter.

'Zhan calm down.' I tried to do as what ZhuoCheng told me to but I couldn't. Not when the cause of all of this is here and sitting right next to me.

'Please just leave already. Never come back and show your faces ever again.' I whispered. I was already getting tired of all this drama.

'Sorry but we need to have this matter fixed before we finally leave. Please listen to us Xiao Zhan-'

I cut off Wang HaiKuan with an angry yell.

'No I don't want to see your faces. Leave now and don't ever show your faces ever again.' I yelled as nurses came inside the room. I threw the things that I could get a hold of to Wang Yibo who didn't even dodge it. He let the things I threw hit him.

Nurses began to restrain me trying to stop me. Wang HaiKuan began to pull Wang Yibo who gave me one last look before the two of them finally disappeared.

I cried hard as they are finally gone. My body shook as I cried loudly. ZhuoCheng only hugged me tighter. I wailed some more until tiredness began to hit me.

Nurses began to check me while I was guided back to rest on my bed. ZhuoCheng silently watch as the nurses did their work. After gets seemed like forever the nurses finally went our leaving me and ZhuoCheng.

'Zhan.' I look at ZhuoCheng as he called me.

'I don't what to talk for now A-Cheng. I just want to forget this horrible nightmare.' I mumbled before lying down and facing the other side. I silently cried as I remembered what happened to me.

That one night stand actually reminded me of my past where I was nearly raped if it wasn't for ZhuoCheng coming to save me just in time. It traumatized me greatly.

What Wang Yibo did to me made me want to kill myself already. It made the nightmares come back to me all over again. The memories I tried to forget all came back at once trapping me again. Making me scared once again.

I cried some more until I felt sleepy. Soon I fell into deep sleep. But what awaits me when my eyes closed was a total nightmare. The night I was nearly raped came back haunting me. Even when I wanted to run away and wake up I couldn't.

Even if I'm yelling already from hurting myself I couldn't wake up from this endless terror of mine. Now that it's back I think I won't be the same ever again.

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