Weird Feeling Called Love

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I stood at the hidden side of the garden and silently watch Xiao Zhan who happily played with my rabbits. I notice that he likes the black one with red eyes the most.

It was actually a beautiful sight to see. A man that looks more beautiful than any women wearing an enchanting smile and is surrounded by bunnies. I stared for who knows how long until it was nearly pass lunch. Xiao Zhan played a little more before finally stopping and he started to roam around the garden.

He stop around a bush full of different kinds of roses. I notice the look he was giving while looking at the blue roses and red roses. After a while of watching him someone just had to interrupt me.

'Master a message from the enemy has arrived at the base.' I turned and glared coldly at the man who interrupted me. I snatch the piece of paper before dismissing him. I gave a quick look at the paper I'm holding before looking back at Xiao Zhan. 

What I saw made my heart skip a beat. He was sitting again but this time in front of the mini lotus pond. The rabbits surrounded him again as he sings a song I'm not quite familiar with. His voice was so beautiful, it makes me wanna sit right in front of him right now.

My heart began to beat faster as I saw him smiling while singing. His truly a beauty to behold. Before I could feel weird things again I immediately went back inside the mansion and head straight for my brother's office.

'Yibo what's wrong why is your face red?' Brother asked once I got in his office. I didn't answer his question and instead gave him the letter I got. He quickly opened and read it. I saw shock register in his face then turned to slight fear.

'Yibo we better get some of our best people to guard this mansion.' Brother said as he sat back down on his chair. That made me confuse.


'Our top enemy found out about you having a lover and because of that they now targeted Xiao Zhan.' Xiao Zhan? Lover? My heart began to beat fast again. Why am I feeling this weird feelings?

'Lover who Xiao Zhan?' My hunch was correct as Brother nodded his head lightly. Those bastards had mistaken Zhan as my lover.

'What do we do Brother? I won't let them get their filthy hands on Zhan.' I stiffened as I saw my brothers teasing smile.

'Yibo, since when did Xiao Zhan became Zhan now to you?' I know I'm not showing any reactions but damn ears showed what I truly felt. I'm sure my ears are a bright red right now. Brother laugh hard before going towards me and tapping my shoulders.

'Don't tell me your falling for him in such a short period of time?'

What brother said made me think a lot. Especially since I kept feeling weird earlier when I was watching him in the garden. My heart would beat fast even at just the mention of his name.

'Tell me brother. What does it feel like to fall for someone?' I asked as I studied his reaction. Soon brother was laughing at me which made me irritated.

'Well then baby bro when you fall for someone you start to notice the little things they do as something much more special. You heart will start to beat fast whenever you see him or hear about his name.' I nodded as I began to think of what had happened to me earlier.

So does that mean I'm falling for him. Falling in love with Xiao Zhan will only put him in more danger especially now that our enemies knew about him being my so called lover.

'Brother I can't... It will only put him in more danger than he already is.' I tried to reason out as my brother gave me a look.

'Yibo he's already in danger so why not go for it. You wanted his forgiveness right then beg him, make him forgive you and maybe eventually he'll fall for you too.' I gave it a thought for a while before looking back at my brother.

'I.... I don't know brother, let me have some more time to think about it.' He nodded before I quickly left and went straight to the garden. Xiao Zhan was no longer there. I sat by the tree and the bunnies began to come near me. The white one thay was kicked earlier by the black one was now sitting on my lap as the black one was trying to take his place.

And what happened was vice versa. The white one on my lap kicked the black one back to the ground. This made me chuckle at how cute this bunnies can be. I didn't even notice it but soon I began to doze off. The last thing I saw as I fell asleep was Xiao Zhan's bunny smile.

Wang Yibo's Dream

I roamed around the beautiful garden as I tried to love the beautiful singing. The place was full of  animals especially black and white bunnies.

As I neared the center of the garden I saw a guy sitting down while singing. The animals surrounded him, listening to his beautiful voice as he sang.

I tried to see what he look like but what shock me was that he has no face at all. Then the animals began to lose their faces as well. All began to stalk towards me like I'm their prey of the day. Soon they all tried to attack me.

I ran fast trying to get out kg the garden but it seems to be endless. I started calling for my brother but he too came and began to chase me. He also has no face.

I screamed my heart out as they all pounce on me.

END Of Wang Yibo's Dream

I jolted awake and what I saw shock me. I was in Xiao Zhan's embrace while he tried to calm me down. I was now in my room as brother stood behind him looking at me worriedly.

'Thank god you're finally awake Yibo.'

'Why?' I asked my voice was hoarse and I don't know why.

'You've been unconscious for two days now and we don't know why. And you kept having nightmares. Whenever I tried to touch you, you would scream but when it's Xiao Zhan you would whimper a little then went back to sleep.' I was shock at that. I actually dreamt that horrible dream for two days.

I look at Xiao Zhan before pulling him into a hug. And for the first time he gave my hug back by hugging me as well. I saw my brother smile before winking at me.

If this weird feeling of mine is really called love then I guess I wouldn't mind giving it a chance.

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