Falling For My Raper

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I've been spending my two days here in Wang Mansion in Wang Yibo's room since he wouldn't wake up for freaking two days now. And whenever someone touches him he would panic in his sleep but when it was me he would calm down and even tried to snuggle to me.

So Wang HaiKuan pleaded me to stay beside his brother just until he finally wakes up. Because of that I had the chance to really look at the man who rape me. Well I wouldn't really call it rape more like a one night stand.

He looks handsome even though he looks cold. He has long eye lashes, cute chubby cheeks, nice nose and plump lips. I even had the urge to kiss him for who knows how many times but I'm glad I controlled myself. If not it would have been weird since I was angry at him.

And kissing him won't help me out. I still haven't forgave him after what he did to me. But slowly I come to understand him as Wang HaiKuan told me the whole truth about the Wang Family.

I now know that Wang Yibo is a Mafia Prince also known as the Ice Prince. His brother HaiKuan is the Mafia King. The two of them are known as the Jade Twins. And I also know that my life is now in danger and they now have to protect me at all cost, since an idiot of a leaf r thought I was Wang Yibo's lover.

I also found out that Wang HaiKuan wanted to date my best friend who also felt the same and so I gave him my blessing in return he will not hurt my best friend and will treat him right.

I was now sitting in Wang Yibo's huge bed with him lying unconscious in the middle. He started to move around and then he yelled loudly making Wang HaiKuan who's just next door ran in Wang Yibo's room.

I immediately hug him tight as he opened his eyes that is full of tears. He talk to his brother as I let go of the hug. Before I could try and stand up he already pulled me towards him and hug me hard. Since he was still trembling a little I gave up and hug him back.

'I'll leave you two for now.' I heard Wang HaiKuan said before the door closed.

We stayed hugging each other for a while before I started to pull away. My face was flush while Wang Yibo's is not well except for his ears. That pretty much gave him away if you look closely and paid attention to his ears.

'Thanks for staying with me for two days Zhan.' I blushed some more as he called me by that name. It actually made my heart skip a beat.

'Y-your welcome.' I bit my tongue hard as I stuttered with my words. It made me blush more if that is even possible. Wang Yibo chuckled as he touch my cheeks that are now flushed red.

'You know you're really cute when you blush.' Wang Yibo showed me his cute smile that made him ten times more handsomer than with his cold poker face.

'You look hot.' I unconsciously said. I blink a couple of times as Wang Yibo laugh hard he was almost rolling on the bed. That's when I realized what I just said.

'Thanks I'm glad you find me hot. Zhan.' Wang Yibo kept teasing me until I couldn't take it anymore and I got up and ran out of his room. His laughter can still be heard until I finally entered my room.

Why the hell did I say that? I'm such a stupid idiot. I kept pulling my hair as I took a sit on my bed. My heart was still beating fast like there's no tomorrow.

What's wrong with me? Don't tell me I'm falling for him. No no no. This can't be happening. I can't fall for the one who raped me. I stood up as I decided to have a talk with my bestfriend.

I went out of my and went to my bestfriend's room. He was reading a book as I got in.

'Sup Zhan.'

'I need your advice A-Cheng.' I said as I sat beside him.

'About what?' ZhuoCheng asked as he put his book down.

'How do you know that you are already falling for someone?' I asked as I look away trying to hide my blushing face.

'Well looks like someone's in love. First of all you will start to notice those little things that you haven't notice before then your heart will beat rapidly whenever he does something to you or his name is mentioned. You would occasionally blush to the little things he does.'

Wow now I'm truly fuck up. I can't believe it. I'm really falling for my raper. No no no no maybe I'm just confused. Yeah that's right maybe I'm just mistaking love with something else.

I tried to convince myself but hell who am I kidding here.

'Damn what am I suppose to do?' ZhuoCheng pat me softly on my back befor giving me a soft smile.

'Don't think hard about it just go with the flow Zhan. If in time your feelings still don't change then it's truly love that you are feeling.' After that talk with my bestfriend, I decided to take my mind off of it by playing with the bunnies while painting some beautiful sceneries.

It actually help me calm my mind down as well as my rapidly beating heart. Now I can clearly think of ways to truly prove if I'm in love with Wang Yibo or not.

If it is love maybe just maybe I could try and give it a chance. Maybe it will end up good.


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