Wang YuZhi And Wang YuFei

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I smiled as I was breast feeding YuFei. I still can't believe I can produce milk. My breast has gotten a little big too. I took turns in feeding YuZhi and YuFei. The nurse that is accompanying me help me.

'How long till they can finally open there eyes?' I asked as I played with YuZhi's pinky.

'Well maybe only a week or two, we don't actually know when. They will just eventually open them when they are ready.' The nurse said politely as Yibo walked in grinning like an idiot again.

The nurse bid us goodbye before giving YuFei to Yibo and going out. Soon the doors opened again and in came Yibo's friends. They all look happy and excited.

'Alright where's my little niece and nephew?' I heard big brother Kuan asked. I giggled a bit before Yibo ushered his brother forward. They all surrounded us, gushing at how cute YuZhi and YuFei looks.

Before things get out of hand the doctor from earlier ushered them out to check up on me. He even warned them to not make too much noise around the babies.

'So Mr. Zhan how are you feeling?'

'I'm feeling fine. No pain at all, it's just weird to have my babies breast feed on me.' The Doctor laughed as I said that.

'There's nothing to worry about that. For you who's a very special case it's quite normal to have milk even though you are a male.' He explained and I can only nod in understanding.


After a few days I can finally move around. YuZhi my baby boy and the eldest by 5 seconds is with Yibo while YuFei is with me along with Zhan Zhan and Bo Bo.

We are staying in the garden for a while since the others commanded us to stay here and guards the big brother Kuan ordered to look after us made it sure that we will not go out of this garden just yet.

I don't know what those guys are up to but I hope it's good. I don't want to have a grumpy mood around my babies.

'Zhan how about giving them a baby brother or sister?' I almost let go of YuFei at what I heard from Yibo.

'Really? I just gave birth and you want another one? You want to put another child in me?' I angrily asked.

'Calm down Zhan I'm just joking. I don't want you to go through any pain for now. Let's just focus on our babies and yeah I forgot to tell you that after two weeks your training will begin.' I only gave Yibo a nod as I cooed YuFei who began to cry again.

Guess she's hungry but I can't breast feed her while in the open. Yibo gave me a knowing look before commanindg his men to turn around and to not look.

I went to the hidden side of the garden and began to feed YuFei while Yibo silently watch me. After YuFei I fed YuZhi as well since he too began crying.

'Yibo is it weird having a guy breast feed a baby?' Yibo furrowed his eyebrows at my question.

'No it's not. It's actually cool watching you feed the twins.' That made me smiled. We played with the twins until ZhuoCheng came and told us to follow him.

We went to the huge backyard and I was stunned at what I saw. Yibo's parents, and our friends are all standing and above them was a huge banner with YuZhi and YuFei name on it.

'Welcome To Wang Family Wang YuZhi, Wang YuFei And Wang Xiao Zhan.'

They all yelled at the same time. That brought tears to my eyes. I still can't believe how accepting Yibo's parents are. Hey didn't criticize me or feel disgusted with me, instead they welcomed me with open arms.

I began to cry as Yibo handed YuZhi to his Mom and he then hugged me tight as Shijie took YuFei from me. I hugged Yibo back and cried some more.

All this just made me so damn happy. The first time I met Yibo's parents I nearly wet my pants but when they approach me with smiling faces and welcomed me with open arms I felt extremely happy.

I was scared back then thay they wouldn't accept me into the family but that was all down the drain when they showed me the opposite.

All of Yibo's friends which is my friends too approach us and congratulated me. ZhuoCheng even hugged me to death.

'I'm so damn happy for us brother.' I smiled at what ZhuoCheng said. Indeed our once bad and poor life turned to a good life. And I will do everything to keep this life as it is.

I don't want to go back to my previous life ever again. And if Yibo said I should train then I would. I want to make myself strong and to be able to protect my babies.

I hug Yibo from behind as he held my hands tight.

'So how is the surprise Zhan?' I groaned as he teased me again.

'Ayahh stop making me more embarrass. I still can't believe I just balled my eyes out in front of all of them.' That made Yibo laugh loudly. I pinch his side while pouting.

'Aww come on Zhan. They love you and now you are a part of Wang Family even if we ate not yet married.' I smiled as Yibo kissed me gently. This kiss was nothing like the other. It wasn't hurried and full of lust but it was full of love and the way he kissed me tenderly made my knees turn like jelly.

'Then I'm glad to be a part of Wang Family. I love you Wang Yibo.' I said as we parted.

'I love you more Wang Xiao Zhan.'

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