Our Wedding 2

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I was woken up by mom who kept shaking me.

'Aiya what's wrong mom?' I sleepily asked.

'Get up and eat dinner. You can't sleep with an empty stomach        A-Zhan.' Mom said softly and I grumpily got up and headed to the kitchen.

The twins are already happily eating so I took a sit beside them and began eating as well. Mom joined us after calling the others. We all told funny atories to ease the awkward atmosphere.

'A-Zhan Xuan Lu will be the one to do your hair for the wedding and me and your other moms will take care of the twins.' I nodded at mom before csrrying the twins who's already dozing off.

'Good night everyone.'

'Good night A-Zhan.' I nodded before heading up the stairs. I went to the twins room and tuck them both in before heading to my room.

I took a warm bath to relax after that I decided to look at the stars since I'm not that sleepy anymore. While looking at the stars I began to hum one of my favorite songs. Zhan Zhan and Bo Bo was at my feet sleeping so I couldn't move much.

The cold air was helping me relax so I stayed outside for 2 hours after that I went to sleep while looking at Yibo's photo. I miss him already. The bed feels cold without him beside me.


I woke up to someone squealing beside my right ear while on the left ear was giggling. I turned my head and saw YuFei on my right while YuZhi on my left. I smiled before kissing there chubby cheeks.

'Good morning my little angels.' I got up and put the twins on the floor before heading to the bathroom. I quickly did my morning rituals and took a quick shower.

I changed into comfortable clothes before carrying the twins. We headed to the kitchen for breakfast.

'Oh my! Did the twins wake you up A-Zhan?' All three moms asked me.

'They did but don't worry my sleep wasn't ruined at all.' I gently placed the twins on there sits before taking my sit. The food infront of my was mouth watering.

I didn't even wait for them and just shoved three pieces of bacon in my mouth. I began shoving some food on me as Yibo's mom fed YuZhi and my biological mom fed YuFei.

After we all ate we went shopping to take my mind off of the wedding since after tomorrow it's my wedding day. They took me to a salon and made me relax. We took a spa treatment while the twins were left to play in the kids section.

Good thing I decided to bring there nanny or else qe would be having some trouble on where to leave them without us watching them.

I finally felt relaxed after 2 hours of being massages. My hair was also feeling very bouncy and soft since Mama Yu (Yibo's mom) suggested that I go to a hair salon. She even told me to stop calling her Yibo's mom so now I am calling her Mama Yu.

It was embarrassing at first bht I got used to it even my biological mother told me to call her Mama Bai while my adoptive mother told me to call her Mama Ren. While for my biological dad and Yibo's dad I decided to call my biological father daddy while Yibo's father Papa.

After our shopping we fetch the twins and ate in a nice restaurant before heading home. Since tomorrow everyone is going to be so busy preparing for the wedding. Mama Yu allowed me an hour to see Yibo so I took the twins with me when we arrived at Wang Mansion.

I know the twins missed their dad a lot so I took them with me. I headed straight to our room and I found Yibo sitting in the veranda while sipping what I think is a cup of coffee. The twins didn't make a noise so I decided to surprise him.

I slowly crept on Yibo and when I'm behind him the three of us shouted out loudly making Yibo jump up from his sit.

'What the....' He took his time looking at the three of us before engulfing us in a tight hug. The twins giggled happily while I silenlty enjoyed the hug.

'What are you three doing here? I thought mom lock you up in the other villa?' Yibo asked as he tool YuZhi from me.

'Well she allowed us to have an hour to see you since she knows that the twins and I misses you already.' I peck his lips before going to our bed. I made myself comfortable before putting down YuFei.

Yibo sat next to me and we cuddled up as the twins played with each other. One hour became two since Mama Yu didn't come up here to fetch me which was good.

We watch some movies until it was time and Mama Yu fetch us and we headed back to the villa. The twins got sad at leaving their dad behind but soon they forgot all about him and fell asleep.


Now I'm in my room pacing around. No mattet what I do I couldn't relax at all.

'A-Zhan will you please calm down and take a sit. We are getting dizzy watching you pace around back and forth.' Mama Ren whined.

'Sorry I'm just so nervous since the media will be there which means the whole world will know and see our wedding. I'm scared that I'll make mistakes or embarrass myself infront of a lot of people.' I mumbled before recieving a good hit on the back of my head.

'Stop thinking negative stuff A-Zhan. Everything will be fine so please calm down and stop worrying. If you continue doing this you might end up looking like a panda on your wedding day. Now go take a nice warm bath then sleep. You have to be well rested okay.' Mama Yu said and I nodded before heading into the bathroom.

They bid me goodnight and left after that. I went inside yhe bathroom and filled the tub with warm water. I strip out of my clothes and went in. All my muscles began to relax.

I just hope everything goes well for our wedding.

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