My Fault

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I watch Chang Yun as he cried in my lover's arms. It broke my heart when Kuan hug him and tried to calm him down while glaring at me.

'What did you do to A-Yun?' Kuan asked as he still glared at me. I stood up slowly since I still felt dizzy.


I ran before Kuan could asked me again. When I entered my room I quickly began to pack my things. I was crying hard as I stop what I was doing and slid down on the floor.

'What are you doing?' I stood up when I heard Kuan's voice. He was looking at the suitcase on ny bed.

I didn't answer him as I stood up and continued packing my stuff. I was stopped as Kuan held my hand.

'A-Cheng talk to me.' He gently said as he took a hold of both my hands.

'There is nothing to talk about. Go to your mistress I don't care anymore.' I said and began crying again.

'A-Cheng-- GET OUT!' I yelled as I threw pillows on him. When he was out I quickly took a small bag and filled it with important things. I took the things I needed before going out of the room with my luggage. Kuan tried to stop me but I only gave him a cold shoulder and a hard slap.

'Finally the trash is out.' Chang Yun said with disgust. He look at me as Kuan back hug me. I could see the way his face turned red.

'Please don't leave me A-Cheng.' He pleaded as I can tell that his already crying due to his voice.

'Tsk... You think I'd want to stay here and look at how you take care of that bitch while I watch at the side looking at you both being all lovey dovey. I'd rather leave than get my heart torn to pieces.' I struggled in Kuan's hold as he didn't want to let me go.

'A-Cheng please there is nothing between A-Yun and I. He's just a childhood friend of mine nothing else.'

'Enough already. Haven't you notcie that he has been trying to take you away from me. He purposely tried to ruin all of our dates and he even made sure to keep an eye on us to make sure we don't do something like kissing or even sleeping with each other. It has been w weeks now. We haven't kissed, hold hands, talk sweetly, nor sleep together. Why? Because that bitch over there kept trying to get you to himself why can't you see that.' I shouted at him before slapping him. I even made sure to slap Chang Yun hard.

'I'm going and you can't stop me on this. Forget the engagement between us and please don't bother me anymore.' I got in Sung-Joo's car as I asked him a small favor.

I cried hard when we are finally out of Wang Mansion. I can still hear Kuan yelling for me to come back. It hurts me a lot especially when he lied. How could there be nothing between him and Chang Yun when I saw them kissing inside a fancy restaurant. They were both having dinner and look so happy together.

'Are you gonna be okay?' Sung-Joo asked when I finally calmed down. I turned and look athim before nodding.

'I'll be okay and olease don't tell Zhan about this and don't tell anyone where I am okay.' Sung-Joo which made me smile a bit.

He drove me to Zhan's and I's old apartment. Good thing I still payed for the rent secretly. This is my back up if something bad were to happen then I can hide in this place for a while.

'Thanks Sung-Joo.'

'Don't worry I'll help you get revenge on that Chang Yun. Since I know what he's really after it won't be long before we start our revenge on him.' I nodded at Sung-Joo before bidding him goodbye.

I entered the apartment and began to fix my stuff. I cleaned the whole place then took a relaxing bath.


I cried hard after A-Cheng left. It feels like I'm back to being alone again. I admit that I knew about Chang Yun bullying him but I didn't help because I know that he can protect himself.

I didn't get angry with Chang Yun since I'm still waiting for the right time to catch him off guard. I know that he's a spy sent here to try and get some secret from us. I caught him one time trying to search for some documents good thing our secret files and other important stuff are hidden in a safe protected by Yibo's men secretly.

I should've told him the truth instead of leaving him in the dark now it's too late. I know that he saw me and Chang Yun kissing and it's my fault on not telling him the truth.

Chang Yun is only a pawn of one of our enemies who wants to bring the Wang Family down. But he's also inlove with me and that gives the wnemy an advantage since I won't hurt him. But that's where they're wrong, I don't care if he's my childhood friend he hurt my A-Cheng and I won't forgive him.

Someone knock on my door so I got up and opened it. Sung-Joo was standing infront of me.

'He's safe in the old apartment and don't worry I got some of Yibo's men to protect him.' I nodded and thank him.

I'm glad A-Cheng's safe since they might try and hurt him just to get to me. And I don't want that to happen ever.

'Alright tell the others to start the plan. We have to catch them by surprise and please keep Chang Yun far away from me.' I instructed Sung-Joo before closing the door.

I laid down on A-Cheng's bed and cried myself to sleep thinking that this is all my fault.

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