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I'm really happy right now. I can't believe they surprised me on my birthday that I almost forgot about.

Right now I'm being surrounded by my friends as Yibo suddenly vanish. The twins are happily eating cupcakes given by my mom.

This day can't get any better. I'm happily receiving the love of a new family, friends, my babies and my one and only honey.

The others are now busy giving me there gifts. Some are of cute stuffs like my favorite bunny stuff toy, some are clothes and other things. Yixuan and Seung-Youn even gifted me two amazing guns. Wenhan gave me a cool outfit that will make me look cool and badass all at the same time.

Lu jie gave me a black card with 5 million inside it. I tried to return it but she didn't take it back. Yibo's parents gifted me with a 25% share in their company. While my mom gave me a lot of albums. All of it are pictures of us or me alone.

After a while we all began to party. The twins are eating so I decided to look for Yibo. I went back to our room but no Yibo, I search the whole house still no Yibo. When I was heading back to the party I notice rose petals trailing towards who knows where.

I followed it and everytime the trail stops a box of chcolate, bouquet and stuff toys that are human size are what I found. Right now I'm carrying two bouquets as two of Yibo's men are carrying the stuff toys and chocolates.

After a while of walking I stop in my tracks, mouth gaping open at the sight infront of me.

Yibo is standing infront of a black Lambhorgini Veneno which is the most expensive car ever. He was wearing a suit that makes him look like a dashing prince charming. My Prince Charming.

I smiled before handing another guy my bouquets and running towards Yibo. I jump on him and he caught me easily.

'What's all this hun?' I asked with a giggle.

'This is my gift to you. Happy Birthday My Love.' I smiled as Yibo kiss me. Of course I kiss him back before running around the beautiful car.

'But why gift me a car?'

'Well you can't just keep riding on my cars and they all have my name. I want you to have your own car to show off to others. I want you to have and feel what a billionaires life is.' Yibo gently said as he opened the door for me.

I got in the drivers sit as Yibo sat in the passengers sit. He buckled me up as well as himself then handed me the key. I happily took it then started the car. The sound was like music to my ears.

With a smile I sped out of the Wang Mansion and into the roads leading to the city. The speed of the car is amazing just like Yibo's other cars.

The designs is to my liking as well. It was black and red which is my favorite combination in color. It just like in the Tron Legacy movie. But I don't think my car glows especially at night.

'Hey stop daydreaming hun! Keep your mind on the road or else we might kill someone on your birthday.' Yibo said as I laugh hard at that.

'Don't worry I'm not as reckless as you are when it comes to driving hun.' I smirk at him before speeding up some more.

We went all over the city. By the time we got back to the Wang Mansion it was already night time and I can't believw that my car actually glows in the dark just like in the Tron Legacy.

'Welcome back you two. Had a fun ride?' Yixuan asked as he approach us.

'Yes it was amazing.' I happily said before giving Yibo who's still looking pale a quick kiss.

'What's wrong with him?' Seung-Youn asked.

'Ahhh.... Go asked him yourself.' I quickly went inside the mansion to look for my babies. After a while I began laughing as I remembered Yibo's face. It was hilarious.


'Hey what happened Bo?' Wenhan asked as I'm still standing beside Zhan's car.

My head is still spinning and I can't talk cause if I do I might throw up.

'I'm guessing Zhan is far more of a reckless driver than you are?' Yixuan asked which made me glare at him.

'What do you mean Yixuan?' Sungjoo gave me a questioning look.

'I don't ever want to let Zhan drive again. He's like a mad racer.' I mumbled before running to a bush and finally throwing up the vile content in my mouth.

My friends began laughing hard as they finally figured out what I meant.

And it's true. Zhan was like a completely mad racer. He was driving at top speed and making stunts that nearly gave me a heart attack. We were even nearly hit by a fucking train.

He even manage to get two police cars coming after us. He's too reckless and I kinda regret giving him a car now.

'Hey stop looking like you are about to take Zhan's car away.' Yixuan said while patting my back.

'Well I'm thinking on it though. I don't want Zhan to drive recklessly. It might cause me my death one day.' They laugh some more as we headed inside the mansion.

After that the night went on with us partying. Of course it wouldn't be complete without me ravishing my Zhan in bed for the rest of the night. I didn't even know how many rounds we did but....

I'm pretty sure I fuck him hard and tomorrow I'm going to be dead because of it.

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