Moving In With Him

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I woke up from yet another nightmare. I was sweating really hard my breathing came in pants as I look around my room. I was clearly panicking when my door suddenly opened. ZhuoCheng quickly came and sat next to me.

'Zhan calm down. No one's here to hurt you.' ZhuoCheng tried to calm me down. But I couldn't calm down at all. The past really haunted me and traumatized me,  I couldn't even move on from it.

I cried as I remembered how those bastard tortured me. It was pure hell. They starved me, touch me intimately and even would try to sleep with me. What Wang Yibo did to me reminded me of that horrible pass of mine.

'Zhan hey calm down. Zhan!' Since I was panicking to much my breathing came out in short pants as my vision blurred. Soon darkness embraces me.


I woke up again but this time not to nightmares but to the smell of delicious food. I quickly got up and went downstairs to the kitchen. I was shock at what I saw. ZhuoCheng was happily laughing with Wang HaiKuan while Wang Yibo silently sat at the other side drinking his tea or coffee I guess.

I stood still not knowing what to do. I don't even know what I feel right now. All eyes are now on me before ZhuoCheng pulled me and made me sit beside Wang Yibo.

I couldn't even utter a single word at all. I just sat there dumbfounded.

'Zhan I know your confuse right now but please hear them out.' ZhuoCheng said as he placed a plate of eggs and bacons infront of me. I just ignored them and began to eat my breakfast.

'So Xiao Zhan I'm here with my brother to have a talk with you about what happened.' I nearly gasp as I remembered that night.

'What about it?' I pretended to not get affected by it so I asked cooly.

'Well Yibo here was feeling guilty for what he did to you, so he wanted to asked for your forgiveness.' I gave out a laugh as I heard Wang HaiKuan say that.

'Forgiveness wow that's new. But sorry cause I will never forgive him for what he did to me. I don't care what he has to do to get me to forgive him. Even if he crawls or bend down on his knees for my forgiveness I will never ever forgive him.' I said emphasizing the words I wanted them to get in there heads.

I stormed out of the kitchen and went straight to my room. I banged the door loudly making the pictures frames outside and inside my room shake and fall to the floor. I slowly slid down as tears began to fall.

Soon sobs could be heard in my room. I was feeling helpless right now. I don't know what to do with my life anymore. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards my room. I stopped sobbing and listened to the footsteps.

'Zhan please think it through. Zhan. They want to help not to make things worse.' I heard ZhuoCheng yell at the other side. This made me more upset. He was siding with them and not me.

'Why A-Cheng? Why do you want me to forgive the guy who made me remember my horrible past? WHY?' I continued to cry as I yelled at him.

'Because this will never end if you never forgive them. And besides Wang Yibo told us that you and I are going to be moving in on their house. This way they can help us more.' He explained and I can practically feel how happy he is about the proposal.

Since I didn't want to ruin his happiness I began to think if I should agree or not. At least we won't be living in this hell of an apartment. If we live with them our lives will get better, we won't worry about the rent or anything else.

I sighed as I finally made my decision. I stood up and slowly opened the door. ZhuoCheng was still standing there waiting for my answer.

'Fine I agree but on one condition. I never want that Wang Yibo to be near me when we move.' I said as I was hugged to death. I laugh a little as ZhuoCheng nodded his head a few times.

'Alright that's a deal now get your things pack up. I'll tell HaiKuan that you agreed already.' He happily said before running back down towards the kitchen. I just shake my head before closing my door and looking around my room.

'Well better start now or I won't be able to finish this on time.' I grumbled before going to my closet and getting two large suitcases. I began to first pack my clothes then my toys and favorite pillow and blanket. Next I pack up my art materials. My paintings was now inside a huge box.

Pictures along with my other stuff are now pack in a smaller box. I work on this for 3 hours after that I fell on my bed exhausted. My room was now strip from it's designs. I didn't even notice that I fell asleep.

I woke up to ZhuoCheng tapping my face with an angry look.

'Zhan how could you sleep when you still got some packing to do.' I groaned and pushed his face away from mine.

'Shut up.' After I said that I was pushed out of my bed making me fall face first on the floor.

'Hey what the hell was that for?' I angrily yelled before chasing ZhuoCheng until we got down to the living room. I stopped running after ZhuoCheng when I saw Wang Yibo who's sleeping soundlessly in my favorite sit. He actually looks cute when he's asleep.

'Stop staring at him and move your ass. We still need to pack up our things in here and in the kitchen.' ZhuoCheng interrupted my thoughts and pulled me towards the middle of the living room.

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