A Romantic Date In The City

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After making Zhan and I our lunch, I decided to take him to the city. Since he hasn't been to do City yet so it's actually a great opportunity to bond together.

I'm planning on taking him on a romantic date. I'm never really this romantic at all but ever since Zhan came into my life, my once icy heart began to melt. And before I knew it I'm falling head over heels in love with Zhan.

I'm now waiting for Zhan to finish changing. I made sure everything is ready and Zhan Zhan and Bo Bo are fed since we will be away for a while. The city is quite far and we still have to ride a boat to get to the pier.

My waiting didn't go in vain as I saw Zhan walking down in a cute fluffy sweater partnered with dark blue jeans. In his arms was a cute bunny plushy that he became addicted to.

I still couldn't understand pretty well on how cravings work at all.  One time Zhan asked me to go search for a rainbow banana. The other time he asked me to buy him a huge and I mean really huge tub of ice cream with the flavor of Banana mixed with mangoes and chocolates.

I nearly went crazy trying to change his mind about it all. Good thing brother called me so everything went well after all that.

I smiled before taking Zhan's hand in mine and giving it a sweet kiss before I led him outside and to the boat we are going to ride to get to the city.

The ride was peaceful as Zhan snuggled close to me while playing with the bunny. I hugged him tight as I give him kisses on his head, forehead, cheeks, ears, nape and his cute nose.

After 30 minutes or so we arrived into the pier where my race car is waiting for us. I ushered Zhan in making sure he is wearing a sit belt before I got in myself.

We sped through the busy streets of the City. I took him to see different places that I'm sure he'll love. We went to the amusement park then to a fancy restaurant to eat, we even went shopping for some few items.

Zhan and I are having the best time of our lives and I wish time would stop. Just seeing Zhan's happy face and beautiful smile makes my heart skip a beat. If I can have any ability I wish for it to be time so that I can stop and cherish this moment forever.

Riding through the City I decided to take Zhan to the most beautiful and huge garden that is located at the heart of the City. The Garden was called Fastasia Garden where different kinds of flowers are.

The hills that are a bit far from the garden makes it a beautiful spot to go on a picnic. The view is great and I'm sure Zhan will love it out of all the other places.

'Where are we going Yibo.' I took Zhan's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before driving really fast. I literally ignored his question.

'Yibo~ come on tell me. Where are we going?' I smiled as Zhan whined cutely.

'Just wait for a bit okay. We're almost there.' I squeezed his hang tight before stopping. I park my car before the two of us began to walk to the entrance. The entrance was filled with beautiful flowers of different kinds.

Zhan began to run around hopping from one bush to another. He was clearly having fun and I'm also having fun taking pictures of him running and hopping around like a rabbit.

'Wahhh Yibo I love this place.' Zhan squealed as he tackled me into a hug.

'Hey you shouldn't be moving too much or else the baby will get affected.' I warned him before setting back in to his feet. We went to the main hill in the garden where I asked one of my men to set up a picnic.

And I was not dissapointed at all. Right in the middle of the hill was a huge picnic mat with two baskets and Zhan Zhan and Bo Bo who's busy hopping around, playing with each other.

'Wow you did all this Yibo?'

'Yes. I would do anything just to make you happy my Zhan, now let's take a sit, eat and enjoy the view.' I carefully led Zhan to the center of the mat and made him sit before I began to take out the contents inside the basket.

Foods that Zhan loves to eat are now all placed in front of him as I tried hard not to laugh. Zhan was literally drooling while eyeing the foods infront of him.

'Zhan eat now, stop drooling already.' I said before placing a small tart infront of his mouth. He opened his mouth and took the tart but before he move his head back he suck my thumb a little bit before sitting straight again.

I blush a little which made Zhan laugh.

'Oh my, Yibo you look so cute when you blush. Hahaha I'll make sure to make you blush all the time.' Zhan had a mischievous smile one his face.

I swallow a few times not sure if I should allow Zhan to do that. I might have a heart attack if he tried to make me blush all the time.

We continued to tease each other as we ate. Zhan Zhan and Bo Bo would sometimes hop on my lap or Zhan's. After a while we decided to head back.

I drove to the City and went to one of my favorite restaurant to eat dinner. Zhan and I asked for our own room so we could eat in private without the eyes of the people looking at us.

I ordered everything that I know Zhan would love to eat and I was right. We finish quickly as Zhan ate fast. He was almost inhaling all the food. We are now on our way back to the island. Zhan is hugging me tight as we sat in the room on the boat.

'Yibo thanks for this wonderful date. I really had fun spending this day with you.' I smiled as Zhan kiss both my cheeks.

'Don't thank me Zhan. I'm just going my duty as your husband and taking you to romantic dates in the city.' I decided to tease Zhan.

'Husband? We're not even married yet?' Zhan asked as he flushed red.

'Yet? So you want me to marry you?' I wiggled my eyebrows adding effects to my teasing which made Zhan even more red than ever.

'Aisshh shut up.' I laugh as Zhan puffed his cheeks cutely making him look like Zhan Zhan and Bo Bo.

This night was too perfect and I hope more dates like this happens in the future. I want to see Zhan with those lovely smile and happy face of his.

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