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After Zhan got back I began to receive threats from an anonymous person. The threats contain personal infos that will be released to the public if I dont get rid of Zhan.

This is making me angry. How dare they try to make me get rid of Zhan. Brother and I knew exactly who's the person behind the threats.

I was on my way to Zhan's and I's room whwn my phone buzzed. I topk it out and another threat was sent to me.

''Better Hurry WANG YIBO Or Else He'll Be In Danger Again!''

I nearly threw my phone at what I read. Those bastards are targeting Zhan yet again. But this time I won't let Zhan get hurt again.

Instead of heading straight to my room I went to Dad's office. It's a good thing that Mom and brother are there as well.

'What's wrong Yibo?' Mom asked.

'Zhan's being targeted again and this time the one behind it is Zhao Qian Li, the heiress of our Mafia enemy.' Mom gasped as I told them that.

'She's the girl that has been going crazy about you back then right? The one who threatened anyone that comes near you when you were in college?' Dad asked.

'Yes and this time she wants to remove Zhan and even threatens the twins if I don't make her my lover.'

'Why that bitch let me at her. I want to ruin her clown face. To think she can just threaten ny son-in-law like that and even demand to make her your lover.' Mom yelled angrily. Dad, Brother and I smirk at the same time.

This is going to be fun. I can't wait to see Mom kicking her ass. After that talk I went to my room where Zhan is soundly sleeping. The twins are by his side sleeping as well.

I smiled at the scene infront of me before I joined my Zhan and twins. I hugged Zhan tight before letting sleep consume me. It's also a good thing for me to sleep a lot lately since I hadn't slept properly.


I woke up to someone banging at the door. Groaning I stood up anf headed for the door. Once I opened it Brother pulled me outside.

'What's going on Brother?' I asked groggily.

'Yibo bad news! Zhao Qian Li had announced that you and her will be getting married soon and that Xiao Zhan is merely a fling of yours.' That got me furious. Who does she think she is.

After talking with Brother for a little while I went back to my room and got ready. I called Yixuan and the others to prepare as well.

'So what's the plan?' Seung-Youn asked.

'We're gonna crush someone's sick fantasies. That bitch better be ready cause when I get my hands on her I'll make sure her face gets ruined.' Mom said and I smiled at that.

Even though I refused to let Mom join, but she's so stubborn so... yeah she's coming with us to see Zhao Qian Li. And probably to skin her alive. After Mom heard the news she nearly lashed out on Dad and she even tried to sneak out.

Good thing Brother kept his eyes on Mom or else we'll just heard from the news that she skinned Zhao Qian Li alive. Which is pretty good too but nope not happening.

We all made our way to the meeting place where Dad arranged to have a talk with Zhao Qian Li. The ride didn't take long and we arrived soon. It was one of the most famous restaurants here in Beijing.

Guards are everywhere and I'm not surprise to see all of them armed with guns. Once we got in a high pitch voice yelled my name.

'Yibo baby, finally you're here.' Zhao Qian Li yelled before clinging to my arm like a kuala. She was giving me a flirty look which I comepletely ignored.

'Oh, and you've brought Mother and Father in-law. How nice.'

'Who says that we agreed for you to be with our son? Xiao Zhan is the only one fit to marry and be with our son not some bitch like you.' Mom angrily shouted at her.

'Tsk that bitch isn't fit to be with my Yibo. I'm the only one who's fitting to be Yibo's wife not some freaking fag!' That did it. I slap her hard for calling my Zhan a fag. How dare she say that right infront of me.

I coldly look down at her before finally speaking.

'I'll warn you once Zhao Qian Li. Try to threaten my Zhan and twins again and I'll make sure your body is found skinned. I don't even care if I trigger a Mafia War. This is my first and kast warning do that again and I won't show mercy.'

After that I got shock when Mom grabbed her by her hair and pulled her hard. She slapped her a couple of times then punch her like a punching bag and finally making her face almost disfigured.

The others were shock as well but no one dared make a move or even make a slight sound. Zhao Qian Li's cries are the only sound that can be heard in the room.

'And this is my warning to you delusional bitch. Never try to threaten ny son-in-law ever again you got that? I said you got that bitch?' Mom yelled at Zhao Qian Li's bloody face.

With a trembling body, Zhao Qian Li nodded her head vigorously. I can see fear in her eyes and it's a good thing. She should not only fear my Mom but also me. I'll do far worse than what Mom did to her.

I'll do anything just to protect my Zhan and twins.

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