Failed attempt

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I was resting my now aching body after what Yibo and I did yesterday. I couldn't even move without moaning at the pain. I hate trainings. Yibo made me train for hours and we only take 10 to 20 minutes break.

Right now the twins are not with me since Yibo's Mom and Dad took them to go shopping. While Yibo is busy with something. And I'm stuck in bed doing nothing. Poor me.

Even lifting my arms just to grab the remote and turn the TV on is useless. After a while I began to doze off. But that was all ruined when Shijie along with the others burst into the room.

'A-Zhan wake up already. We are going shopping today. A-Fei and A-Zhi are already ready to go.' I groaned at what Shijie said.

Great. Just great. I won't be able to rest now. Where the hell is Yibo when you needed him.

'Come on Zhan let's go to the mall and relax. I know a thing throat will help with your aching muscles.' That made me interested as Shijie pulled me up and shoved me into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, changed then went down to meet the others. Yibo who I've been wishing to see earlier was now sitting beside big brother Kuan and playing with YuZhi.

'Great now that Zhan's here let's go.' Shijie happily said before pulling me outside here four vans are waiting for us. We all got in as Yibo sat beside me. YuZhi was now sleeping soundly as YuFei who's with Yibo's Mom began crying.

I took her into my arms and she immediately stop. Her eyes are still not open but I hope they soon will. I can't wait to see what her eyes color is.

'Okay and what are we going to do after shopping?' I asked Shijie as she rode with us.

'Well after that we will head to Yibo's private resort and stay there for two days.' That sounds great since I won't be training by then.

I smiled and began to play with YuFei who giggled happily. The ride to the mall wasn't that long and now we are strolling around. People are looking at us like we're super models.

Girls tried to flirt with my Yibo and it's a good thing that I'm not pregnant and having mood swings anymore. Instead of trying to get mad I cling to Yibo making sure the girls see it. I even dared by kissing Yibo on his cheeks.

Yibo's Mom is pushing the twins stroller around while we went to the spa where I felt all my muscle pains go away. Finally I can fully relax.

'How are you feeling Zhan?' Yibo asked as he silently watch me from the side.

'Great. I'm feeling awesome.' I laugh a little as I finish my massage. I stood up and got dress before Yibo and I went out and headed to the food stalls.

We stop when I heard a loud shot rang through out the mall. Soon loud screams can be heard as I saw Shijie running with a crying YuZhi and YuFei. The others followed behind her.

'Shijie what's wrong? Why are the twins crying?'

'A-Zhan run! Take the twins and run!' I got scared with the way she said it. Yibo quickly took YuZhi while I took YuFei. We ran straight to the parking lot.

Yibo's men surrounded us as gunshots can be heard everywhere. I was already panicking as I held to YuFei tightly.

'Yibo what's going on?' I decided to ask since I still don't have a clue on what's going on.

'Zhan hurry! Someone's trying to kidnap the twins and they won't stop until they get them.' That made me burst into tears. My babies are now in danger and I can't do anything about it.

I quickly went inside the car as one of Yibo's men opened the door for me. Yibo entered the drives sit before we sped away and went straight back to the Wang Mansion. Black cars surrounded us and I know it's Yibo's men protecting us.

Once we went pass the huge gates I finally felt safe. Tears started to flow from my eyes. I trembled as I held YuFei close to me.

Yibo embrace me as I tried hard not to sob but failed. After a while I finally calm down. We went inside the house and waited for the others.

'Zhan oh thank god you are safe along with the twins.' Yibo's Mom exclaimed before hugging me tight.

'What happened out there?'

'A-Zhan the enemies found out that you've given birth and now they are not only after you but the twins as well.' That sent me crying again.

Yibo hugged me tight as I cried for the twins. I don't even know what happened next as I passed out.


I had to carry Zhan back to our room. I know it's hard for him that now the twins are also in danger. But all I can do now is make sure the twins and Zhan are safe. I won't let any of my enemies near them at all.

If one of them even gets hurt all hell will break loose. I won't show mercy to any of them. Right now the others are still angry or either sad that the twins were nearly kidnapped. The good thing is it failed.

Mom is crying in the kitchen while Dad is trying to calm her down. Now that this has happened I'm sure Zhan will be more eager to learn how to fight.

And I'll be there every step of the way to make sure he becomes what I want him to be.

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