A Tour Around Zhan Island

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Waking up with a drop dead gorgeous hunk hugging you was now off of my bucket list.

My smile couldn't get any wider at all. I trace Yibo's features from his eyebrows to his plump lips. I was still in awe at how a man like him can be so handsome. I mean I have seen a lot of handsome guys but Yibo's handsomeness is quite unique.

It just doesn't attract me but it also maked me fall in love with him every single time. I'm still afraid since I still can't forget about what he did to me. But if being afraid will only make me feel worse and away from Yibo then I just have to forgive him.

I can't go on forever on having a grudge on Yibo. And besides he's going to be a father so might as well fix my relationship with him.

I hummed a tune as I got out of Yibo's grip and went to take a bath. I sang as I bathe while rubbing my tummy. I even talk to my unborn child as I was washing myself. The water was warm and I actually wanted to stay longer. But I have to prepare breakfast since it's always Yibo who's preparing breakfast for me.

Now it's my turn to make breakfast for him. I smiled as I got eggs, bacons and ham form the fridge. I also got some pancake batter and some fruits and juice to go with breakfast.

I began cooking as I played a music on my phone. Dancing to the music has always been a hobby of mine. Even when I'm doing home work back then I would still dance whenever I hear music. I calms me down and makes me stay in my god mood.

I yelped as I felt hands circle around my waist just below my not so noticeable baby bump. Since I'm only three weeks old my baby bump won't be much noticeable yet.

Yibo gave me a quick kiss on my cheeks before taking over. I smiled before preparing the table and the things needed as well as the drinks. Suddenly I began to crave ripe mangoes along with chocolate dippings.

'Yibo I want some ripe mangoes with chocolate dippings.' I watch as Yibo's eyes widened in disbelief.

'Here do I find those?' He asked as I munch on the already cooked bacon.

'I dunno.' I shrugged before I heard him sigh then he fished his phone from his jeans and began to call someone.

I didn't bother to listen and just munch on my bacon while playing some games on my phone. After a while Yibo have me a plate of pancakes as he took a sit infront of me.

'Where's my mangoes and chocolates?' I whined.

'They'll be here in a moment just wait for a bit Zhan.' I smiled before proceeding to eat my pancakes with bacons and eggs.

A while later we heard a knock then the door opened and in came a man carrying a basket full of ripe mangoes and a jar full of chocolate dippings. My eyes sparkled as my mouth watered at the sight.

After our breakfast and me eating some mangoes with chocolate dippings we head out. Yibo decided to take me on a tour around the island through riding horses.

I was feeling very happy as I rode a pure black horse along the beach. The sea breeze makes me calm and content. I relax as Yibo guided as towards the middle of the forest. The island was so rich in fruits and some animals as well. Mostly rabbits since Yibo loves rabbits a lot.

We even went scuba diving and I saw lots and lots of different fishes swimming around. I even saw a huge whale shark and a turtle. After swimming for a whole Yibo and I decided to have a camp fire late at night since I wanted to see the beauty of Zhan Island when it's night time.

We ate fish at lunch since Yibo caught three and it was so good that I wanted some more. After lunch Yibo and I went back to looking at around the whole island. The beach was full of beautiful shells and corals. There was also a cave not far from the house and the inside was beautiful since there is a pool that has an underwater tunnel leading outside of the cave.

I laugh as Yibo and I decided to race against each other with our horses.

'Yibo if you win you can wish for anything you want and if I win I can wish for anything as well. Deal?' I gave Yibo my cute bunny smile which made him blush.

'Deal.' I smiled wider before making my horse ran fast. Yibo was right behind me and is catching up fast. Soon he passed me and he won.

I chucked before making my way towards him as he went down and waited for me. Once I'm near him he went by my side and held my waist ad I got down from the horse.

'So what do you wish for Yibo?' I asked as I trace his cute plump lips. He held my waist tight as he pulled me towards him.

'All I want is to always be allowed to kiss you whenever I want to.' That was actually a simple wish and I agreed with Yibo. I gave him a quick peck but he had another thing in mind as he held the back of my head with his right hand.

The other was holding my waist tightly. We kissed or more like made out for who knows how long. All I know is that I'm catching my breath when we pulled away.

That kiss blew my mind away and I'm still breathless.

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