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After Yibo's proposal to me everything was now different. His men respects me more and they became even more friendly.

Everyone was now busy for the engagement party that's jk ping to happen tomorrow. I was also busy being fitted for my suit as the twins are with Yibo's parents.

The one accompanying me is ZhuoCheng as big brother Kuan is with Yibo. Since it's our engagement party tomorrow, Yibo's Mom forced the two of us two have separate places to be fitted so our outfits would surprise each other.

'So how does it feel to be loved by the Ice Prince of the Wang Family?' ZhuoCheng asked, he was clearly teasing me.

'It feels so surreal. I mean it feels like a dream. Like yesterday I was just a normal guy who wants to have a normal life but now I'm engaged to a Mafia Prince soon to be a Mafia King.' I admitted smile laughing a little.

'Well I agree with you there Zhan. Back then we just live a normal yet poor life but now we live in luxury. We can now buy the things we can't afford back then. And this life is what we have always wanted.' ZhuoCheng said before hugging me tight.

It was true. ZhuoCheng and I have been wishing to live a life in luxury. Where we can buy anything we want without having to work a whole month to get the money needed. Even though it's a good thing to work hard it's still troublesome.

We can't rest and we work all day long and study as well. It takes to much of our time and we can't even spend some quality time together. Life was pretty hard for us back then but now it's better and I intend for it to stay that way.

I don't want my twins to experience what I experienced back then. I want them to live a life where they can have what they want. I want them to also learn how to not be greedy.

Even if we may live a life of luxury I want them to learn how to give without asking for something in return. I want them to not be all after money and power. Even though they will be heirs since Yibo is a Mafia Prince.

I'll make sure they grow up with kindness and the right mind. I want to be there to guide them to the right path.

The tailor finished fitting me and we are now on our way to pick up the twins. Yibo's Mom called and told me that she needed to work on something and that the twins can't come.

Arriving at the place I quickly went into the restaurant and spotted Mom with YuFei while YuZhi was being carried by Dad. I finally decided to call Yibo's parents Mom and Dad since I'm about to marry their son.

ZhuoCheng and I carried the twins and we headed back to the mansion. The reception for our engagement was going to be held in one of the Wang 5 star Hotels since they don't want to risk enemies entering our territory.

Yibo's men are all going to be situated in every floor of the hotel and the entrance will be heavily guarded by 4 men as well as the other entrances. Even the dressing room where I will get dress is also heavily guarded.

Once we arrived at the Wang Mansion Shijie immediately pulled me inside and we headed to my room where she started to tell me that I should have a very long beauty rest.

She made sure I never leave the room by making 4 of Yibo's men guard the door. Two of them are Yibo's childhood bestfriends Seung-Youn and Yixuan.

Since It was no use trying to fight back. I decided to just follow her instructions and have a long beauty rest. I played some relaxing music as I took a bath. After my bath I fixed the bed before lying down. Soon I fell asleep.


I woke up to someone nearly destroying the door of my room. I grumbled a bit a I stood up and went to open the door. Once I opened the door, I wanted to punch the person standing in front of me.

Standing in front is ZhuoCheng with an annoying smirk plastered on his face. He held a tray of food. I feel like a prisoner right now. I pushed the tray back and pushed ZhuoCheng aside.

I silently made my way towards the kitchen. The others are having fun while eating dinner since it's already night time when I woke up.

'A-Zhan why did you leave your room?' Shijie asked as she made me sit beside her.

'I've already had my beauty rest and I don't what to eat all alone in my room.' I said before shoving a piece of ham in my mouth. The wonderful smokey flavor burst inside my mouth making me moan.

'You should be having your beauty rest A-Zhan.' Shijie scolded me but I didn't listen.

'I've already slept half of the day. I'm bored and I want to go do something.' I pleaded to Shijie with puppy eyes.

'Alright but you can o ky stay up until 9 agreed?' I nodded as I smiled widely.

I quickly ate before deciding to watch a movie with the others. After the clock strikes 9 Shijie took me back to my room and told me to continue my beauty rest. She handed me three glasses of milk and made sure I drink all of them.

After that she made me listen to a song that makes you fall asleep and it didn't fail as I started to feel drowsy. Soon I was slipping away into dreamland.

One Night Stand Equals A Baby [🔒]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora