Safe And Surprise

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I'm glad Zhan is safe now. The others only glimpse at him before they all went back. It's night time now and Zhan hasn't woken up yet. The twins had been crying when they saw their mother. Good thing our mom's handled the problem and distracted the two.

Good thing the doctor allowed me to stay with him if not I would've sneak in anyways. I held Zhan's hand in mine and caress his not so pale cheeks. His color is already coming back and the doctor says that he might wake up soon.

Hours had gone by already and Zhan still doesn't show any sign of waking up. I stayed up all night watching him. I couldn't sleep properly knowing Zhan might wake up anytime.

Well that's what I though of  anyway but I didn't lnow that I fell asleep. I was woken up with someone shaking me lightly. Soon I heard my name being called.

I stood up quickly but sat back down when I got dizzy. I look at Zhan and there he was. Wide awake while looking at me. I smiled before handing him some water.

'How are you feeling hun?' I gently asked as I took away the empty glass from him.

'Fine but my stomach hurts....' Zhan suddenly gasp and held his stomach tightly. A scared look was plastered on his face.

'Is my baby okay?' Zhan asked while panicking.

'Hey...hey calm down hun. The baby's fine. He's not in danger and so are you now calm down.' I said soothingly as I rub his back and hug him not so tightly.

After calming Zhan down I began to tell him all the things that happened while he was being operated.

'Your parents are now in the hands of my men and the 500 million was returned to us. Now all we have to do is wait for them to confess on why they did all those horrible things to you. After that you can decide on what will happen to them. And remember I don't want them to live nor go to jail. They might hire some guy to hurt you or the twins.' I explained and Zhan nodded and listened carefully.

'I know hun. I don't want them to go to jail either, instead I want them dead. I want to be the one to kill them. I want to see them suffer as I slowly kill them. I want to see the agonizing pain written all over their faces as well as fear.' Zhan said with an evil look.

I'm kinda scared when Zhan talks this way. It feels like he is planning to murder thousands of people instead of two. The way he said it coldly and with a poker face is enough to send shivers down my spine.


A week has passed and Zhan is finally discharge. The twins had missed him terribly. My mom and his missed him as well as our friends.

Through the whole week my men and Yixuan did nothing but torture Zhan's parents who wouldn't tell us what we wanted to hear. We're running out of options so I'm guessing it's time for Zhan and I to play.

Threats won't work for them so I guess torture by the hands of your own son might work.

Right now Zhan is busy playing with the twins. They're birthday is coming up next month and I'm already thinking of what to give them and where to have the location of the party.

YuZhi and YuFei are already beginning to try to walk. YuZhi can now mumble and even call me da. Da because he still couldn't form the whole words yet.

I'm so excited to see our kids learning to walk, talk and I want to hear them call me dad while Zhan mom. I'll make sure to take many pictures for memories.

'Yibo you have to distract Zhan soon. The others are already preparing the backyard for the surprise.' mom said and I nodded before going to my room. Zhan was busy playing with the twins.

I took a sit beside him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

'Where have you been hun?' He asked as he kiss me bacl on my cheek.

'Just talking with mom. Now let's get this babies into new clothes.' I said as I tickled YuFei.


'Because they haven't chsnged yet since yesterday.' I lied since Zhan won't fall for it if I didn't lie to him.

'Oh then let's prepare a quick bath for them first.' I nodded and that's how I distracted Zhan. We washed the twins quickly and changed them. After that O heard my ohome vibrate meaning it's  time.

Mom came and took the twins from Zhan and I. After that she headed straight to the backyard while I distract Zhan a bit before a blindfold was suddenly put on him by HaoXuan.

I smiled before I led Zhan to the backyard where the others are silently waiting. I gestured woth my fingers before all of them shouted loudly.

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZHAN ZHAN.' Confettis exploded all around us as I took Zhan's blind fold off of him.

He was now looking at all of us with a shock face that soon turned into a tearful one. He was crying was smiling at all of us which made me smile too. I'm glad he's happy about this surprise.

Since today is his birthday which I found out a week ago from his mom.

'Happy Birthday Hun.' I said before giving him a sweet kiss. The others began to congratulate him as I signalled Yixuan to prepare my gift for Zhan.

I'm not even sure if Zhan will love my gift for him. But I know he'll like it at least.

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