Training Begins

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Zhan and I are now in the training room, the twins are with Mom and Dad.

'Yibo what will I learn today?' Zhan asked. I can see how eager he is to learn how to fight. But he still got a long way to go.

'The basics first you have to first learn how to fight and block in a proper stance. When you lynch use your most strong side of the arm.' I instruct him and he soon tried it on a punching bag. Punching hard but not hard enough to do big damage.

'First of all your stance has to be right for the punch to have momentum. You have to position the right way.' I demonstrated by showing him how I punch.

The punching bag nearly broke when I punch hard. Now Zhan followed after me and tried and I'm pretty impress. He learnd quick. He already did what I did to the punching bag but this time he broke the chains holding the punching bag together.

If this keeps up Zhan will learn how to attack and defend in no time. After that I told Zhan to run around the house 20 laps. This helps in improving his agility and speed. As well as his muscles on his legs.

I watch closely as Zhan ran on his 4th lap already. For a guy who just gave birth he moves and runs fast. I smirk as Zhan began to sweat hard. His body was now glistening under the sun.

I was about to ran to him when I heard Mom yelled me. I look behind me and saw her carrying a crying YuZhi while Dad silently followed with YuFei in his arms.

Zhan who's still running stop and ran towards us instead. He quickly went to Mom and took YuZhi. I went to Dad and carried little YuFei.

'I think they are hungry. Yibo can we take a break for a bit?' Zhan asked as I tried to calm down YuFei who had now started crying as well.

I only nodded as Mom and Dad went back. We went to our room and there Zhan began to feed the twins. I watch in amazement. Every reactions he made was now embedded in my mind.

After a while the twins finally fell asleep. We gave them back to Mom and Dad and resumed training. Zhan ran the remaining 12 laps and after that we took a break.

'Aisshh when do I get to use weapons?' Zhan whined while I'm wiping off his sweat.

'Soon Zhan. We can't just go to the weapons you still need to hold up your muscles and you have to win against me on a fight if you want to use weapons.' That got the sparks in Zhan's eyes working again.

I could see determination in those eyes. I chuckled before showing some more attack moves, blocking techniques and stances that will make the blow powerful.

Zhan quickly learned the things I taught him. He can even keep up with me when I tried to attack him.

'Good. You're improving Zhan. Now after an hour break we head to the gym okay?' Zhan nodded his head before lying down on the soft grass.

I took a sit beside him and put his head on my lap. Not even 5 seconds pass and Zhan is already asleep.

'Yibo.' I turned my head a little and saw brother heading our way. He took a glance at Zhan before sitting beside me.

'He's improve a lot with just the first day of training.' Brother said as I gave a nod.

'You know if he learns all this and now learns to be a great fighter the two of you might become a very powerful duo and ruler of our Mafia Empire.' Brother happily said which made me smile.

'Brother do you have to give up the title and give it to me?' That made the happy smile on brother's face disappear.

'Yibo you do know that from the start I don't want to be a Mafia King but had no choice since you are still young and Dad can't rule anymore because of his illness.' I understand what brother said but still why pass it on to me.

'Yibo I can get rule like what father did. He was ruthless and cold as a Mafia King while I'm not. I can't be ruthless and kill others even if they commit a crime. I don't have that kind of thing but you do. You are cold to others except to Zhan. You are ruthless and scary when it comes to fighting. You even shot our enemies without mercy. That should be what a Mafia King have but I don't have that. I don't kill them I only injure them so they can't fight anymore.' Brother explained and now I under stand him.

'Then I won't let you down brother. I promise to be what a Mafia King should be. I won't let others belittle or even think of challenging us. I will make our Mafia strong and powerful.' I made a promise to brother which made him smile.

'Alright as soon as Zhan becomes a great fighter then I will hand you the title and Zhan will be tour Mafia Queen.' I nodded at that as I brush Zhan's soft bouncy hair.

Brother and I talk some more before he went back to see his lover which is ZhuoCheng. It's been an hour already and Zhan is still sleeping so I decided to let him rest a bit more.

Today's training really did improve on Zhan. And I can't wait to see how well he does when we have an actual fight.

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