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I woke up in a dark room.y hands are tied to a chair while my feet are cuffed together. My mouth was covered with duck tape which makes it hard for me to breath properly.

I groaned when I felt a throbbing pain on the back of my head. What happened? All I remembered was that I was running alongside Yibo's Dad who's carrying YuZhi when suddenly something hard hit the back of my head.

That's all I can remember after that nothing.

'Well. Well. Well. The princess is now awake.' A voice coming from behind me said mockingly.

'Disgusting fag. Why do you even call that a princess?' Someone else said and pure disgust was laced on his voice. It's pretty obvious that he doesn't like gays.

'Chill men! We are here to bargain with Wang Yibo using his precious future wife.' The man said before letting out a laugh. It echoed around the room while I just rolled my eyes.

'Yah... Try to bargain with my Yibo and all you will get is bullets in your thick skulls.' I silently thought to myself. I don't even know how long I've been here.

I groaned when someone slap me hard making the chair I'm in fall. I groaned some more when my arms got squeezed between the chair. My abductors just laugh it off before the other one fixed my chair, after that they left me alone.

I scanned my surroundings and found out that I'm in a small room filled with different kinds of knives and other stuff you use to torture people.

No windows, only one door and it's heavily guarded by armed men. I began to think of a plan to escape this place. I didn't even know how long I've been here. I fell asleep due to tiredness.


I woke up to someone galing me like they are planning to break my arms. I opened my eyes but winced when someone sprayed something on my eyes.

'Wake wake princess. Your prince had already went on a rampage looking for you.' Someone said and I felt glad but also scared at the same time. I mean who wouldn't I'm finally seeing what Yibo looks like when he's angry.

'Now before we decided to give you back, we're gonna have some fun torturing you first.' The man laugh sadistically which send shivers down my spine.

I let out a groan and yelp when someone yanked the duck tape out of my mouth. It hurts like hell. Before I could lick my dry lips someone yanked my hair and pulled me up.

I didn't yell since that will only make them satisfied. Even when I was already being punch like a punching bag I still refused to yell. That is until they began to use stronger force on me.

Throwing me on the wall, punching my face so hard, hitting my head on the wall. I was already bleeding badly. My face already starting to swell, my visions also hlgetting blurry.

'What still not making a sound princess?' The man began to harass me. Touching my body like how Yibo used to touch me when we made love. It disgusted me so much that I wanted to throw up already.

Once I'm out of here I'll make sure this man's hands will be chop off. I won't forgive him for touching me.

I began to resist, trying to wiggle out of the rope and chair I was tied to but before I can do that someone hit my head hard. I couldn't fight back anymore as I began to lose consciousness.


The tracker from Zhan's clothes led us to a goose chase. The once who kidnapped him used his clothes to confuse us. And now we don't even know where Zhan is being kept.

The twins are already missing there Mom as it's been three days already. I'm also missing him. I already found the leader but he couldn't even provide us the location of Zhan as he kept his mouth shut tight.

Now we are relying on Yixuan and Wenhan's skills at tracking even without a tracker on. They been on it for a day now and I hope the news is good.

I'm already dreading the things that those bastards are doing to my Zhan. Even Mom and Dad are helping along with brother. They all contacted other people that can help us and so far they are doing good.

They already found a lead and are now tracking that lead to who knows where. I asap sent some of my men outside the city to try and locate Zhan. So far that's still on going and no news have tried yet.

'Yibo you should take a rest.' Brother said as he tapped my shoulder.

'I can't rest brother. Zhan is still out there somewhere being hurt and tortured.' I said and you could hear the desperation laced

n my voiced as it cracked in the end.

'I know Yibo but if you get sick do you think you can help find Zhan. You have to rest and hope that they found Zhan soon. The twins can't go on feeding baby milk. They need there mother's milk as well.' Brother's right.

I gave him a hug before I headed to the twins room where they both slept soundly. After that I went to my own room and prepared a nice bath.

It didn't take me long to relax in the bathroom and soon I'm in bed getting ready to sleep. The window was not closed so I could see the shine of the moon.

I began to hope and pray that we can find Zhan soon and that he's okay.

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