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I woke up pretty early with Zhan hugging me tight while snoring loudly. I guesd I really tired him out yesterday.

I suddenly groaned when someone knocked on my door then I heard mom's voice.

'Yibo a weird letter was sent here and it's for A-Zhan. Also a dead body of a cat was with it.' That made me jump out of bed and quickly open the door.

'Oh my god!!! Please wear something Yibo!' Mom shrieked and I look down at myself. I was stark naked infront of my mom.

I smiled sheepishly before running to my closet quickly wearing a boxer and shirt.

'Sorry about that mom. Now where's the letter?' I asked as we began to make our way to dad's office.

'It's with your dad as he is still inspecting the letter and trying to find any finger print at all.' mom explained and I nodded softly.

Soon we are infront of dad's office. Mom opened the door and we both went in. Dad was busy looking at the letter as if it will suddenly talk or something like that.

'What's in the letter?'

'I don't know, I haven't opened it yet.' Dad said before handing the letter to me.


Yibo I think it's better if A-Zhan is the one who'd open it.' Mom suggested and I nodded before heading back to my room.

Zhan was still sleeping so I decided to just put the letter on my desk then prepare breakfast for him.

Mom helped me as I began to make breakfast for Zhan. It wasn't really special or something. Just a few stacks of pancakes a bowl of fruits, Zhan's favorite spicy soup, and a few bacons.

Since Zhan's nearly two months now his cravings are already intense. Once I was woken up late at night as Zhan wanted to eat a banana sprinkled with hot sauce. Then the other time I was busy with work when mom called telling me that Zhan wanted japanese food and that it should be delivered to the house from japan and not some japanese restaurant.

'Yibo! Zhan's awake and his throwing a tantrum right now.' I heard dad yell so I quickly csrried the tray and went back to my room.

And true to what dad said, Zhan was indeed throwing a tantrum. The sheets of the bed was on the floor as well as the pillows. And Zhan himself is sitting in the middle of the bed.

I stood beside him and gave him a kiss before placing the tray on his lap. Zhan smiled at me before opening the tray. His smile had gotten bigger when he saw his favorite food.

I watch silently as Zhan dug in. He would sometimes feed me and that made my heart swell with happiness. After breakfast we headed back to dad's office to create a plan to tale dowm Zhan's parents. I'll  make sure the two of them rot in jail. If not in jail then in hell.

'So A-Zhan please read yhe letter then tell us what is written on it.' Mom asked Zhan and he nodded before he began reading the letter.

I watch silently as his face contorts to fear, pain, anger then sadness. Different emotions are all visible in his eyes. I took a hold of his hand as he started shaking not in fear but in anger.

Instead of reading the letter out loud he gave it to dad and both he and mom read it out loud.

'This is a warning to you XIAO ZHAN follow our instructions if you don't want the whole world to know about yoir secret. Instead of 100 million we now want 500. Bring it near  the old school. We'll be waoting tomorrow. If you don't follow our way your twins will bear the consequences of your actions.'

I got up and snatch the letter from dad. I reread it and clench my fist. How dare they threaten Zhan and my twins.

'Dad we'll go with the plan. Trick them into thinking that we will actually agree to what they want them capture them. But I don't want them to go to jail instead I want them dead. With how they threatened my family I won't lwt them off.' I said through clench fist. I'm fuming mad right now and I want blood on my hands, Zhan's parents blood.

'Alright I'll let Yixuan and the other handle the procedure of the plan. I'll be waiting along with back up a few miles away from the said meeting place. We also have to be carefull to not alert them.' I nodded before carrying Zhan who still looks troubled and upset back to our room.

After putting Zhan to bed I went to the twins room and carried both to our room. I heard Zhan sniffing so I let the twins charm and cuteness make him feel better. I gave Zhan a quick kiss and the twins as well before leaving to find Yixuan and the others.

After walking for a while I found them lounging in the game room.

took a sit beside Yixuan.

'Who's gonna die?' Seung-Youn asked as he saw my face.

'Zhan's parents.'

'Oh. So when do we leave?' I smiled as Seung-Youn asked that.

This is what I love about my friends. Instead of asking a lot of questions they just go straight to the ooint and they sometimes won't asked and instead take action immediately.

'Tomorrow we leave early and you guys secretly follow Zhan and I. We'll ambush Zhan's parents and dad is coming for back up. We must succeed in capturing them or else they might harm Zhan and the twins.' I explained carefully.

'Got it. We won't let them get away woth it especially if they moght harm the twins and Zhan.' Yixuan said and I smiled.

The 5 of us fist bump before I went back to my room. I just hope the twins charm and cuteneds cheered Zhan up.

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