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I woke up but this time not in the secret room but in a more luxurious one. I was about to get up when I felt hands wrap around my waist. I turned and saw the cutest scene ever. Wang Yibo was sleeping cutely while his arms are on my waist.

I sighed as I rub my belly. Thinking about the baby that's growing inside of me made me both happy and scared at the same time. I don't know whT will happen with my relationship with Wang Yibo as well. Since he is the father of my child I don't really want to snatch it from him.

It's either we settle things by starting over the right way or I allow him to be the father if my child but we will not do anything besides taking care of th child. We won't be in any intimate relationship.

'What are you thinking about?' I was started as Wang Yibo asked me by whispering on my left ear.

'About how I can forgive you or not.' He became sad at what I told him.

'Look Zhan, I know I did something horrible to you and I'm truly sorry for that. I want us to start over again Zhan.' I can tell that he's really sincere about it so I think I should give him a chance but...

'Well then I think we should start over but on one condition.' I smirk evilly and I Wang Yibo gulp a few times.

'What's the condition?'

I began to think for a while, trying to find the best condition for this situation.

'The condition is that once we start over I want you to go through what most guys go to when trying to win a girl.'

'You mean I have to court you and do all that shitty stuff?' I laugh hard at Wang Yibo's reaction. It was funny that I almost fell fave first to the floor if Wang Yibo didn't pull me to him.

'Yes and another thing, I want you to earn my forgiveness the right way.' Wang Yibo nodded his head a fee times before he stood up.

'Where are you going now?'

'Stay in bed Zhan. I'll be giving you a surprise.' After that he went out and I decided to take a bath.

I went to his bathroom and my it was huge. The bathroom was decorated with white tiles along with some gold designs on it. The bath tub was huge it looks like it can fit 4 people. I quickly filled the tub with warm water.

I prepared the body wash and shampoo that I'm about to use as well as the bubble soap. I put a good amount of bubble soap into the tub then stripped and got in. I sighed as the water calmed my aching body.

I stayed there for a while until the water turned cold after washing up I went to Yibo's huge walk in closet and chose a cute outfit. A pair of rip jeans paired up with a white sleeveless shirt and to top it off I pulled a fluffy greyish blue sweater on. The other side if the sweater was an offshoulder showing off my collarbone.

I went out and went straight to the full body mirror. I check out myself and damn I look hot and tempting. I fix my messy hair just in time before I heard someone whistled behind me. I quickly turned and saw Yibo carrying a tray full of foods. The smell was absolutely mouth watering.

'You look hot Zhan.' I blush a bit at his compliment.


'Alright go back to bed as I prepare your breakfast in bed.'

One Night Stand Equals A Baby [🔒]Where stories live. Discover now