Our Wedding 3

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I can't believe that it's finally happening. I'm now being escorted by father to the room where my wedding suit is.

Today's the day Zhan and I became Husband and Wife. He'll be finally having my name. I can't wait to see him walking down the aisle hand in hand with his parents i can't wait to see the twins either.

Since they'll be walking down the aisle as well. YuFei is our flower girl while YuZhi will be the ring bearer and they will be accompanied by Yuan and Pei Xin.

'Excited for the big day?' Dad asked as I look at myself in the huge mirror.

'Yes and I'm freaking out dad what if I make a mistake.' You could hear the nervousness in my shaky voice.

'Calm down will you son-in-law. Everything will be fine don't worry.' Zhan's father said as he entered the room looking dashing in his suit. Even for an old man he still looks handsome.

'What are you looking at? Am I that handsome in black suit?' Zhan's father asked earning a laugh from my dad.

'Aissshhh indeed you look good but I look better than you especially in white.' I said it with arrogance.

They both laugh as I look at myself in the mirror. After combing my hair and styling it a bit we all went out. The other guys are waiting outside so we headed out of the mansion.

The girls would be accompanying my Zhan so I'm not worried at all. We all went into our cars and headed to the church where the wedding is being held.

My hands are already shaking when we arrived. I was nervous as hell and I think I might pass out or something. Good thing dad was always standing beside me.


I'm now being brutally abuse by Lu jie who kept pulling my hair. My nape is already burning due to her continuously pulling my hair from different angles.

My face is now glowing due to the make up Lu jie applied on me. I look beautiful than any woman out there. The twins are happily giggling at the side as Mama Yu played with them.

The other girls are busy fixing there hair and some are making sure my wedding dress looks okay. After 30 mintues my hair was finally done. It was a simple design yet Lu jie had a lot of trouble fixing it.

'Alright Zhan now wear your dress slowly after that we are on oyr way since we only have half an hour before the wedding starts.' Mama Bai said as she help me wear my dress safely.

We then headed to the limousine after getting my bouquet. The drive to the church wasn't long and now I'm standing outside my parents beside me and the twins infront of us with Yuan and Pei Xin.

The bells began to chime and soon the wedding song began to play. Everyone began to walk inside and soon it was my turn. My parents are both holding my hands as we walk dowm the aisle.

'Don't be too tense A-Zhan. Everything will be fine.' Mom whispered as she senses my nervousness. Or maybe because my hands was shaking.

I almost cried when I saw Yibo looking at me with teary eyes. He was smiling as he look at me in the eye. I smiled with tears running down my face. Good thing Lu jie didn't apply any mascara on me or else I'll look like an ugly bride.

We finally made it to the front and Yibo was now standing beside me. The priest happily began the wedding.

'You look beautiful Zhan.' Yibo whispered as he held my hand tightly. I returned his gesture and smiled at him.


Finally my dream is coming true. Zhan is standing beside me looking so beautiful in his wedding dress which I know he hates since his mom forced him to wear a wedding gown instead of a suit.

My eyes are watering as I keep stealing glances at him. Flashes of cameras from the sides kept me from crying since the wedding was being live broadcasted. I faced Zhan as I held the microphone in one hand while the other held Zhan's hand.

'Zhan you are the most precious person to me. I wouldn't know what my life would be without you and the twins. You have melted my frozen heart and made me feel emotions I have never felt before. You complete me, you're my life and the air I breath. The day I first saw you I was already captivated by your beauty and yes the meeting at the bar wasn't the first time we saw each other. The first time I saw you was two years ago and after that I couldn't get you out of my mind until I finally saw you again in that bar. That night was the best thing that ever happened to me but it also brought me sadness and grief when I found out the reason of your sudden outburst. Now I promise to cherish and love no one else but you. My love for you is endless and no matter what even on our next life you'll still be the only one for me and no one else.'

By the time I finish talking Zhan was in tears but he was still smiling. I laugh a bit at that and wipe his tears away. I gave him a quick kiss before handing him the mic. It was now Zhan's turn to talk and I listened attentively.

'Yibo the first time I met you I thought you are a jerk who can get anyone using your money. I was mad at what you did to me but later on I learned to love you. You are not what others say you are. You are loving, sweet, cute and funny even with that poker face of yours. You made me feel loved and wanted. I was really lucky to have you and the twins and I wouldn't mind that in our next life we will be with each other again. The love I felt for you is something I will always cherish. You are the light in my dark world, my hero, savior and my love. I wouldn't trade you for the world. And now that I'm here standing hand in hand with you I couldn't wish for more. I'm happy to finally have your name and be called Mrs. Wang even though I'm a man.'

Glad I didn't cry as Zhan said those words. I smiled before kissing his lips again. We then exchange rings.

'Wang Yibo do you take Xiao Zhan as your lawfully wedded wife-'

'I do.' I cut in as I couldn't wait to kiss my lovely wife.

'Do you Xiao Zhan take Wang Yibo as-'

'I do.' Zhan yelled before jumping in my arms and kissing me hard. I smiled through the kiss and kiss him back while twirling us around.

'For goodness sake please let me finish.' I heard the priest say which made us all laugh.

Everyone cheered as I kiss Zhan again. I'm so happy that I want it to be our honeymoon already. I won't let Zhan out of our room for days.

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