Moving In With Him 2

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I groaned as ZhuoCheng and I finally finish packing our stuff. Wang HaiKuan and Wang Yibo are still sleeping while we work around the house.

'Zhan I'll take a quick shower, you go ahead and start making our lunch. Better yet just order or we can eat out.' I just nodded at ZhuoCheng before heading to my own room as well. After a long shower I went back to the living room to see ZhuoCheng happily talking to HaiKuan.

'Good your here Zhan.' I was pulled outside the house as the two followed ZhuoCheng and I. Instead of walking HaiKuan insisted on us riding all together which ZhuoCheng agreed to. I can see and feel that my best friend really likes HaiKuan a lot already. And I can say the same thing about HaiKuan.

So here I am in a very awkward place. ZhuoCheng sat in the passenger seat while HaiKuan was the one driving and that leaves me with Wang Yibo. The two of us sat together in the back.

I pushed myself to be as far away as I can be from Wang Yibo who silently look out the window. I decided to distract myself by listening to music while I look outside the window. Soon I began to doze off.


'ZHAN.' I woke up when someone yelled right beside my ear. ZhuoCheng earned a slap from me while I grumbled and walk out of the car. My dream was already getting good but he had to ruin it.

I had my mouth hung open once I saw the place that we will be living. It was a huge mansion with a very huge front yard with a beautiful garden. The place held both historical and modern design mixed together.

Instead of all stone paths it was all grass when you come near the mansions entrance. A stone path lead to the other side probably heading towards the back yard. A few rabbits was hopping along the huge garden filled with beautiful flowers.

A butler stood at the now open door as we entered. The inside was a beauty as well. Instead of hard tiles the floor was designed with what floors used to look like in the past. The walls held the modern and historical design. Instead of doors with locks it's a sliding wooden door.

The inside was very homey. Wang HaiKuan showed us our rooms as Wang Yibo silently followed from behind. My room was cool actually. It was styled like in the past. The window was a huge circle and the table in the middle was designed and tea cups were placed on top of it.

I immediately went to the King size bed. Just glad that the bed wasn't made like what used to be the bed in the past. After laying down for who knows how long I decided to take a tour around the mansion. I found my way towards the garden where bunnies roamed all around freely.

A smile immediately appeared as I began to play with them. I chase some of them but one rabbit caught my attention. It was at the other side of the garden eating alone. A rabbit that's pure black with red eyes.

'Hi there cutie.' I happily talk to a black rabbit with red eyes. He didn't even flinch nor tried to run away. I smiled as he twitch his cute nose at me. My face immediately went to the bunnies fur that is so soft.

'You are so soft. I wish I could cuddle with you all the time.' I mumbled as I kept rubbing my face on his cute rabbit fur. Now this is heaven. The other bunnies began to come near me as I sat down and played with the black one. One rabbit even dared to jump on my lap even when the black one is already occupying it.

I let out a laugh as the black one kick the white one making it fall back on the ground.

'Your a feisty one aren't you.' I touch his nose with mine making me giggle a little since it actually tickles. Almost hours past by with me doing nothing but playing with the cute fluffy bunnies. I would sometimes just sit around or lay down. Once I'm lying on the ground the bunnies would all come to me and some would climb up to my stomach and sleep there.

All that can be heard in the garden was my melodious laugh and occasional giggles. This was actually the most peaceful time of my life. And I'll make this garden my personal place to go to when I'm feeling depress, down, sad, or angry.

I played with the bunnies a little more before I decided to explore  around the garden some more. At the very back I found a cute little lotus pond with koi fish swimming around. Beautiful flowers are all around me. From roses to lilacs, dandelions, daffodils and many more. My all time favorite flower is also present.

It was right at the center of the garden where a few rose bushes are. Blue roses along with red roses are my favorite flowers. It always makes me smile whenever I see red roses and blue roses. It makes me forget about the burdens I've been carrying for all my life.

For once I felt peace. Not thinking about anything. I even forgot that this all belongs to the Wang Family.

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