chapter 36.

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"do you remember the very first time we danced together?" liam asks as his arm tightly grips onto her waist, as everyone watches as they make it to the center of the floor.

chantelle nods, a small, reminiscent smile on her glossy pink lips.

"it was at your party." she mumbles as she places her hand onto his shoulder, in embarrassment as everyone continues to stare. liam glances around slightly confused but shrugs it off.

"and i was doing the robot." he says with a slight smirk on his face. chantelle laughs as his hands slide along her body. his smirk becomes wider once he hears her familiar laughter.

"you were so happy that night, even though you said you didn't even care about your birthday." she says incredulously. he scoffs at her.

"that was because.. i was with you." he says before kissing her on the cheek. she smiles as all the tingles spread throughout her face, causing her body to shiver.

"you're so cute, liam." chantelle says pouting. he snickers at this and rolls his light brown eyes at her.

"thank you, my goddess."

"hey, chantelle-" a voice says, causing chantelle to turn slightly out of interest.

she blinks once she realises who is standing before her.


"oh. hi, callum." she says her throat going dry suddenly.

"happy birthday." he says with a small smile. chantelle blinks again, slightly puzzled by his kindness.

"uh, thanks." she replies, watching an all too familiar figure creeping up from behind him.

"hey, babe." lydia says placing a kiss onto callum's cheek. chantelle scoffs, quietly and glances over to rachel who is watching, intently.

'i'm sorry' she mouths, causing chantelle to roll her eyes. but she turns back towards lydia and callum in with a small smile.

"thank you for coming. i hope you're enjoying the party." chantelle says through gritted teeth. lydia narrows her eyes at her and glances towards liam.

then she walks over to him, causing chantelle's jaw to fall open; a little too quickly.

"what the hell?" she whispers quietly as callum's eyebrows knit together in confusion.

callum sighs once he realises what is going on between the two girls. he runs his hands through his hair, anxiously as chantelle throws him a fierce look.

"aren't you going to get her back?" she says her voice cold like ice. he blinks and shrugs.

"seriously? she's over there with liam and you don't even want to try to make an effort to get her back over here?" chantelle asks feeling frustrated. he sighs with the feeling of guilt over him.

"did you even know that lydia still has feelings for liam?" chantelle asks looking at callum her eyes full of sudden pity.

his eyes widen and he shakes his head, "no.. but-"

"and just so you know that time when you thought liam seduced lydia.. it was lydia that forced liam to have sex." chantelle says with eyes focused on callum's sour expression. "liam was your best friend, callum and you chose some random girl over him."

callum feels his anger boiling up inside of him, "what other choice did I have?"

"you could've.. walked away from her and all her lies." chantelle says slowly. "if you didn't abuse her, she would have trusted you more."

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