chapter 45.

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8th May - friday

"bea!" chantelle calls out to beatrice as she's about to walk into the art room. she turns to face chantelle and her hair sways behind her as her face beams, slightly.

"oh, hey!" beatrice says as they walk towards each other. chantelle smiles and grabs her arm.

"i was wondering if you wanted to come to a party tomorrow night?" she asks squeezing beatrice's arm, with delight.

"what?!" she shrieks as chantelle's brows furrow. "i mean no one's ever really invited me to a party before so.. that was kind of unexpected."

"really?" chantelle asks, genuinely shocked. bea nods.

"i was expecting you to invite me out to the cafe or something but a party? that was not expected at all." she says before her cheeks begin to get warm. chantelle chuckles at her cuteness.

"well.. me and my friends were going to go shopping after school and i want you to join us so we can get some accessories and whatever for tomorrow." chantelle explains, watching her eyes sparkle.

"sure.. i'm down." she says before turning to the door of the classroom and seeing liam standing there.

"oh.. hey, liam." beatrice says with a kind smile. "what are you doing here? i thought you had left for lunch already."

"nah, i stayed behind to finish off my painting." he says before glancing at chantelle who is playing with bea's key chain.

"this is cute." she whispers, voicing her thoughts aloud; causing beatrice to look at her.

chantelle looks up and her face heats up, "sorry.. i'll let you get going then, see ya."

bea chuckles and waves goodbye before walking past liam into the classroom.

"what are you doing here? your not stalking me are you?" he whispers, playfully before kissing her neck. she rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"why would i stalk you?" she mumbles, before looking at him. he shrugs.

"because i can do this-" he starts, pausing to kiss her neck a second time. chantelle feels her breath hitching in her throat, tightly.

"and this-" he says before licking her sweet spot. she almost moans but manages to contain herself.

liam smirks, with pride before leaning away. chantelle pushes him away and narrows her eyes at him, suspicious.

"i know what you're doing.." she whispers, annoyed. he blinks, playing innocent. "you're trying to make me horny so you can rearrange my insides again."

"mmm, that's a weird way to put it but yes." he says grinning. chantelle slowly begins to back away and retreats to the canteen. liam runs after her before shouting:

"you can run but you can't hide!"


"you ready to go, chantelle?" alisha asks watching her look around, frantically.

"yeah.. oh, bea!" she calls out watching beatrice walk towards her, slowly.

the other girls look slightly confused as they watch the girl walk closer to them.

"you know her, right?" chantelle asks the others. alisha nods, slowly.

"she designed those shoes for you, right?" she asks, looking down at chantelle's shoes.

chantelle nods, happily, "yeah."

"you're in liam's art class, that's where i seem to recognise your face from." rachel says narrowing her eyes at bea, slowly. she nods, shy.

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