Chapter 1

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Note: This is omegaverse. You can find basic explanations in various places, but I reference the basics and specify if there is something specific. If you're curious about an actual explanation of what omegaverse is, the sources below sound pretty accurate to me.

https://www . wattpad . com/ 429862883 – omegaverse – guide - disclaimer

https:// fanlore . org / wiki / Alpha / Beta / Omega

https:// psychoanalyzeme . tumblr . com / post / 86796553004 / heat-hi%CB%90t-a-cycle-an-omega-goes-through-every

Just remove the spaces, it wouldn't let me add them otherwise. I probably should have made this two chapters due to the length being about 9400 words including the author's note, but I just wanted to get it going so I did not. Future chapters will be mostly shorter.

I don't own Haikyuu or it's related sources nor the links posted or art, no profit is made. This applies to all chapters of this story. This is strictly because I apparently had nothing better to do with my time.


The gymnasium doors clunk as the cat-like teenager eases it closed, sneakers partially covered by loose track pants over long legs shuffling almost silently in his trek down the open-air walkway.

Entering the main building, Fukunaga looks around with large curious eyes before taking a hallway. The not so familiar campus is mostly empty, the Nekoma volleyball team having been specially invited to join several other teams for a training camp.

He spots a restroom and releases a subtle sigh of relief as his long thin tail wags at the raven tip near the floor, the fluffy tuft on the end of the porcelain limb flicking back and forth happily. He wasn't sure he was going the right way, the one that Nekomata had told him to get here. He's thankful he didn't get lost this time, again. Everyone has a weakness; funny enough, directions are not his strong point.

He spots a vending machine down the hall and stops to debate which should come first, glancing at his hands clutching his wallet and a closed nondescript little black zipper pouch in a square shape about the size of a pocket notebook. He knows he should wash first, knows his blood sugar levels are low since his mind feels sluggish yet it doesn't seem like too big of a deal. Nothing does when he gets really low. He even knows that checking first so he knows exactly what he needs to eat is best.

His limbs are heavy as he shuffles on towards the snack machine anyway, a massive craving for something sweet down to his very bones pushing him onwards. He didn't tell his coach he was low, just asked for his kit and Nekomata had Naoi hand it over along with the directions. Nekomata probably understood all things considered.

Fukunaga can vaguely hear guys talking somewhere but doesn't pay attention as red covered legs stop in front of his goal on auto-pilot. It is a school, there are bound to be people present for things even during an off period like their teams are.

He stands in a slight haze trying to decide what to get, he likes the idea of chocolate but knows he isn't really supposed to eat fast sugars unless he's out of his safety parameter. He should stick to the carb filled snacks. Sighing forlornly, a long-fingered hand reaches over to rub the other arm. Why's it so cold? It wasn't a little while ago. Must be getting lower than I thought. He curls around himself in an effort to keep warm despite it being an internal chill, urging himself to hurry up.

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