Chapter 10

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

Fukunaga's jittery that morning, he didn't think he would be. At first, he's just really content, having spent a lot of the previous night discussing interests with Satori on messenger and talking in general. He wakes up earlier than his alarm clock thanks to Chiyo waking briefly and his headphones having slipped off at some point, Sora must have gotten her back to sleep before she woke too much because it didn't go on long and no one came out. Unfortunately, the house is dead silent otherwise so he caught it with his acute hearing and was shocked awake instantly.

Damn nurturing omega instincts for childrearing not letting him sleep.

The raven stretches languidly, trying in vain to get the forming knots out of his shoulders and back from sleeping on the stiff too-small-for-him couch two nights in a row. Usually he likes being tall with a long lithe build, it's something he hears girls in class say is attractive a lot. Even some alphas including Kuroo when he feels like teasing though he once admitted it's true. He may not like girls or care as much about looks as most, but he's found he cares a bit more since having a crush. Not consumingly so or enough to change everything, but he takes a little more time and care with his appearance while thinking his clothing choices through more. Another four nights on that lumpy nightmare ruining his back, he's not looking forward to it.

He contemplates what to do first while starting the coffee pot and making some eggs, caffeine necessary this morning. He wanders to the bathroom after he eats, filling it with steam as he stands under the soothingly hot water. He can feel his muscles relaxing, only a few dull aches left that he figures he can deal with until they work themselves out. He gets out and dries off after washing, dressing in the outfit they picked. He opens the door to air out the steam mournfully, drying his fur thoroughly before brushing it gently until his head and tail look just right.

He smiles awkwardly at his reflection before letting it fade to his normal expression as he tries to see what his mom does when she says he's adorable in these clothes, he can't but shrugs it off swiftly. It does show off how lithe and long-limbed he is, his omega traits obvious and his legs seeming like they never end.

It's one of the traits he consistently likes about himself, that and his long tail.

He takes care of his belongings noiselessly, sneaking back into the room where his mother is as he tries not to wake her after being pleased with his reflection. He grabs his guitar case and amp (he sneaks in on all fours and feels like a ninja when leaving with the swiped items) while he's already there in case he needs something to do since it's so early, moving back to the kitchen to make a cup of liquid life. He makes sure not to overdo the sweetness no matter how much he craves it.

Two hours later has him still in the kitchen, another cup he's nursing and Runa's dead body (she's gotten ready for the day on autopilot, but without coffee she simply doesn't function) clutching her own cup in a death grip flopped on the table nearby as he plays with the amp's volume kept low to not disturb anyone.

He glances at his phone where it's chilling on the table, nibbling his lower lip as he waits for another text he doesn't even know if he'll get. He's fighting off the creeping doubts, having texted a good morning to the redhead and immediately got a similar reply from the goofy guesser. He wants to text him again since it's been a bit but doesn't want to bother him after the short conversation they had.

Fukunaga doesn't want to come off as needy, but he misses the alpha already. It's not like he's trying to be clingy or anything, but it makes him nervous to let the monster out of his sight again so soon. He's still not over the first separation.

It's silly, but he can't change how he feels no matter how illogical it is.

Sighing softly, he glances at the doorway when Sora enters with a screaming red-faced bundle, clearly hungry despite her frayed looking papa. Last night was a little rough apparently, his mother sitting up to take the upset child while the beta starts to make a bottle. Mussing his shaggy brunette hair up even more, he throws a halfhearted greeting in Shohei's direction who points at the coffee pot. It earns him a super grateful look that makes Fuku's eyes dart to the side as his ears duck down and tail tucks, embarrassed that something so simple earned such gratitude.

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