Chapter 4

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

Fukunaga excitedly fidgets next to Kenma, clearly wanting to get on court. Well, clearly to his team at least with the way his glittering eyes hyperactively dart about, but they don't expect others to really take notice. The coaches return to their respective teams from their mini meeting (he and Satori are making faces 'discretely' while waiting), announcing Nekoma will sit out first today.

He could almost scream damn it! He was sooo close!

He visibly deflates, sulking at Tendou in the team nearest them. He just shrugs from within his group in faux apology, expression teasing as he sticks his tongue out betraying his haphazard attempt at sympathy. Fukunaga pouts while tipping his head down for a puppy eyes effect (tends to get him further than most thanks to how big his eyes are, people are quite weak when he does it and Tendou hasn't been subjected to it yet), snickering at the ginger's horror before the monster gets yelled at for not paying attention. Fuku shoots a pleased look when he peeks over again and Satori squawks loudly in indignation, but his voice and body language are riddled with a flirtatiously playful undertone as he fakes anger. "You little-!"

"Tendou! Am I so uninteresting that you'll ignore me a second time in as many minutes ya brat? You're asking for extra serves, maybe I'll make you start doing jump serves." He freezes as Washijo's voice screams at a far closer range than anticipated. That cat is gonna be the death of him in more ways than one, he keeps forgetting his surroundings when he's around and he's constantly in his head now.

"Uuuh... no? Probably not." He stays in his perfectly still position facing the cats besides speaking, refusing to move even as the position becomes uncomfortable. He just knows if he moves those evil tyrannical jaws will snap their millions of pointy teeth down on him! He must live! He bolts off, running away screaming about t-rex.

He has an entire gym watching him peek out at his coach 'stealthily' from crouching behind a bench, smugly no less. "I totally made it, no jeep or toilet deaths for me."

"Alright, who gave him the extra sugar? Better not be pixie sticks, last time was a complete nightmare." Shirabu narrows his eyes at the bundle of crimson across the room who starts giggling like a child who got away with sneaking into the cookie jar. "And possibly excessive caffeine." The entire Shiratorizawa team whip around to stare accusingly at Goshiki who squirms uncomfortably as he breaks out in a cold sweat, typical culprit of the current predicament. "You brought those movies."

"It's not my fault! He just... does what he wants! And he's my senpai! I brought them, but Kawanishi is the one that wanted to watch them. What was I supposed to do? Gaaaah I'll never be better than Ushijima this way!" Tsutomu's dramatic cries are quickly ignored, deciding it's pointless as he scolds himself and panics. Loudly.

Sadly, almost everyone goes back to what they were trying to do pretty fast except the eagle's opponents who just chat together. They're used to the crazy monster even on a sugar high, but the cats aren't and most either are lost as can be or laughing their asses off like Tora and Kuroo. The snickering quieter cat jogs over to him, leaning over the bench and Satori shrieks in an earsplitting high pitch.

Popping up, he squints both eyes at the omega while pretending to act 'normal' though he's a bit twitchy as his tail jerks around behind his legs in sporadic flicks that aren't natural in the slightest. "I thought you were a Tyrannosaurus Jo. Nevermind!" He bounces in a circle before standing tall and acting like he didn't scream like a girl, amusing the raven who grabs his wrist and tugs to lead him back.

Tendou almost faceplants as he 'heroically' bounds over the bench, the toe of his sneaker clipping the edge so he totters dangerously with one arm flailing. Steady once more, he puffs his chest out while eyeing the submissive who tries to pull him back to the others. "Satori!!" Now Shohei's upside down with a surprisingly loud howl, having been thrown carelessly over the alpha's shoulder (slipping until his knees are barely caught) as he storms in long strides to where they're supposed to be. Satori blinks in confusion as the cats freak out, Tora shouting at him though he has no idea what the guy is saying as he easily lands the omega back on his feet.

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