Chapter 16

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

He's purring loudly, not trying to hide it at all, but he's not the only one.

Fukunaga languidly stretches his legs until his toes spread out before curling back up in his wonderfully warm cage. He's never been so happy to be trapped as he is this morning, arms locking him in place unconsciously from behind as his dominant (officially, he's marked and been claimed by his alpha and it feels so damn fantastic) snuggles up to him in his sleep and buries his small nose in fluffy raven.

No matter the scenario, Shohei is hardly ever the one up first.

If one can call his dazed, cozy, refusing to move state awake. Low sugar means he's lethargic in the mornings from not eating or moving during the night, even Kenma usually functions before him despite popular belief and that's saying something. He generally does wake if his sugar drops too low, but that wasn't it this time.

He doesn't remember why he's up, wants to say it has something to do with a repeatedly honking horn outside. He's not sure though and can't be bothered to care as he peeks over his shoulder, spotting the peacefully slumbering ginger.

His alpha. His dominant.

It kind of amazes him how well things are going, fast even, but he guesses that's to be expected since they've been pining after each other for so long. He doesn't see anything wrong with it, content to keep deciphering the mysteries the phoenix holds. Well, he'd be a lot happier if Satori would stop poking him. Yes, both hands are accounted for as well as the tail curled with his own. No, those aren't what's pushing against his ass like it's supposed to be there when all he wants is to sleep.

He supposes he'll give him a pass since he gets it, from one guy to another. No pun intended. It's a morning thing sometimes. Doesn't mean he has to appreciate the strange feeling while he's trying to enjoy romantic first morning cuddles.

Wiggling around carefully until he's facing the guesser, he simply watches for a few moments while relishing his taken status again on a deeper level. Brushing crimson locks away, Fukunaga smiles fondly. He looks like a little kid when he sleeps.

Holding back giggles, the cat slips from the bed to do his morning routine after eating a small snack to tide him over until they can eat together. Yawning, he slips back into bed with a cup of coffee that he sets in a nook in the headboard. He goes through Satori's shelves and throws a DVD on to watch while he waits and curls the end of his tail with his lover's to brush the velvety spade with his silky fur.

Guardians of the Galaxy sounds like an excellent choice among all the different cases on the shelves, the foolish characters always keep him entertained.

When Tendou wakes up, he can't help but smile as his heart leaps.

The first thing he hears is his submissive's laughter and the first thing he sees is an ordinary moment that usually gets taken for granted by people, the cat propped up on a pillow watching a movie while hugging Mew to try to stifle his amusement.

A quick glance under the blanket shows the soothing feeling to be the cat's tail gently caressing his own, the thin parts below the respective tips twisted together.

Sho could have chosen to get ready for the day or move to the living room since he's clearly been up a while, but he chose to stay with the sleeping monster in his disheveled state instead. It's new, but really nice. Tendou could get used to this.

One of Satori's arms is thrown over long pale legs, the ginger being completely sprawled out on his stomach beside his half-curled companion. Every few minutes, porcelain digits reach beside him to pet Tendou's hair soothingly before returning to the previous position without moving his blue eyes from the television.

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