Chapter 20

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

There's a small cake with candles that Shohei has very little of, it doesn't bother him though. Runa and he normally split a cupcake with a single candle since she doesn't eat a lot of sugar thanks to eating his way (mostly) with him and he can't have much so he normally bakes sugar free treats. Runa doesn't really care for baking, that's more Sho's thing. She must have made it knowing Satori who has a penchant for sweets would be here, he realizes warmly with an appreciative hum.

They lounge lazily in the living room with a movie on, eating their dessert with dried squid for Fukunaga who's ecstatic with his snack. Runa's in the recliner and the boys are side by side on the couch with the cat's legs and tail languidly thrown over his boyfriend's as he leans against the arm of the sofa with Sa in the middle.

After cake and ice cream (he's pleased to note it's very chocolate consistency since that's Satori's favorite whereas Shohei's own version of chocolate 'ice cream' is made from bananas and unsweetened cocoa powder), discussing the differences in how the Fukunaga's and Tendou's celebrate special occasions like birthdays and holidays, and ignoring the movie more than watching it. They decide it's present time since Runa needs to leave soon, she still has a long train ride ahead.

First, they hand Fuku Keiko's small box in bright paper that had been on the kitchen table beside the bag which turns out to be guitar strings, two sets of nice ones. Except... one is for acoustics, not that it really matters he guesses. She probably doesn't know, it's the thought that counts anyways. Smiling bittersweetly, he opens one to feel it longingly, it's not often he gets such nice ones since he won't ask for them. Beneath those are electric ones that are the exact same brand and just as nice, under that are an assortment of flashy tie-dye picks. She also has a card in the box wishing him the best. He'll have to thank her somehow.

His mother demands to be next, explaining one of hers is for both of them and Keiko pitched in to help which really catches their attention. Confused as she hands it over, the boys share a look and Fukunaga pulls the book out of the tissue paper in a gift bag. It's a thick dark red book with tarnished gold trim and the word 'Memories' written in a pretty script across the cover and down the spine.

Opening it gives another surprise, all the pictures of them together or some with friends/family or alone from old to recent times briefly showing the changes they've gone through since babyhood over the years to now doing various things and the ones of them from their discs during their first reunited week together developed and placed strategically in the album in order to focus on the coupling more than anything. There are random ones of them as babies and young children all the way to present, the newer ones taking over with more of them as a pair in the pages. Most of it is left purposely empty, she explains they're supposed to fill it up together as a couple and should definitely show their mothers when they do.

Giving her heartfelt thanks, they look through the pictures carefully as she watches fondly while sipping her coffee. She then hands over the one from her and the team, his head cocking to the side as he stares at it. This is a thing his team does whenever there's a birthday among them, everyone agreeing on something bigger then chipping in to get it along with a handful of random little gifts like knickknacks and such. It helps take pressure off the teens and the parents love the idea, proud their children came up with something so effective. It's unusual for his mom to work with the team on it though, she generally does her own thing.

This time, it happens to be a brand new, somewhat expensive footswitch with plenty of options compared to cheaper basic ones. He suddenly gets why his mom was in on it and the guys seemed so cocky when they said they already left his present at his house. His heart races in excitement as he fiddles with it and forgets entirely about the world around him as his focus zeroes in, not thinking to fill Satori in on what it is which forces him to look to the chuckling woman for an explanation. Deciding to stop him and bring him back to reality as Shohei tries to race off to his room, Tendou yanks him back onto the couch. "Woah hold your horses. Play later, focus here for now." He laughs when Sho cringes apologetically.

The Phoenix and the CatOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora