Chapter 31

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff. Tendou's... innocent?!

A light but fast obnoxiously constant tapping to the beat of some random upbeat song on the wooden door has Kuroo darting to answer it in panic, Morisuke nosily peeking out from the kitchen while leisurely drying his hands on a dishtowel.

Standing there is Tendou, waving and still in his work uniform. Yaku remembers talking with the younger raven about their boyfriends' uniforms and loving the café's style, both more than pleased by it and he can see why completely now as he spots the ginger much the way Fukunaga could when he spotted Kuroo earlier.

It hadn't ever crossed his mind to look at the ginger as mate material before, but...

Tendou's definitely not a traditional type of handsome but when he calms down and is casual, he's nowhere near as strange appearing since he's almost normal even with his movements like any other guy. His eyes are droopy and not bugging out or anything strange giving him a lazy appearance yet he's confident enough that it clearly shows. He's so big too, the slow smile spreading on his lips leaving Yaku with a strange warmth he refuses to name and tries his best not to show. Satori's relaxed and a lot more appealing like this as he stands with that easygoing smile and his hoodie over an arm, hands in his pockets. Not traditional, but still attractive in his own way. Lean and broad shouldered, narrow hips and muscles.

Yaku quickly looks elsewhere as a soft appreciative purr pops out near inaudibly as he stops near his mate, Tetsurou raising a brow at his lover with an accusing scowl.

Yaku can't bring himself to look at either, wishing a hole would swallow him up.

As he's invited in and slips his dress shoes off, Satori's eyes are already on the move darting around the area he already knows as if searching for something. He's kind of goofy like normal or at least he's trying to put up the front forced as it is though clearly he's tired and somewhat tense and distracted until rubies land on the dozing raven omega curled up on the couch, arms crossed on the armrest, head snuggled on top and thin tail looping around his curled-up body with the fluffy tip dangling off. The monster instantly stills, every part relaxing and less jittery all of a sudden. The cats don't hold it against him, knowing the instincts part of all this.

He scans his intended for a few moments, oblivious to Kuroo speaking who glances at the pair in turn. He shrugs at his mate before looking back to the fellow alpha, worry and uncertainty in the vivacious man's expression. "Is he gonna be okay?"

Tendou barely mumbles it, swallowing when he realizes he said it aloud and rubs at his neck anxiously. Kuroo stares hard for a minute before dragging him into the kitchen with Yaku close behind, voices low so as not to disturb the moody omega suffering in the other room. "Please tell me you know what's going on, what this is."

"With Yamamoto? Yeah, he told me." Satori gets matching unimpressed flat looks and realizes that's not what they meant, changing his answer as dread fills his stomach. "He really is sick? Damn it, it's probably because he was out in the rain-"

"Tendou, he's not sick. He's in preheat." The blunt statement is thrown out there without any warning by Yaku who shrugs, figuring out what Kuroo has and helping. They don't expect the intimidating monster to be innocent enough not to know.

"He's... what?!" The guesser chokes and jumps in alarm as his head whips towards the doorway, what little color he has draining as he stiffens to the tip of his tail.

"...You really didn't know? All the signs are there and even if you somehow missed them, you still have instincts as an alpha. How could you not know? Haven't you ever been with an omega before or at least fooled around? You had to have dealt with enough other omegas. You should know how it works by now." Tetsurou goes from exasperated over his mate's lack of tact to disbelieving at the fidgeting ginger dom. It's weird, but Tendou suddenly looks so much smaller and so much younger.

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