Chapter 32

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff. Slight not super detailed NSFW later on. Also, I know it's been a while but I've been working on a ToraFukuTen love triangle book so check it out.

Satori stops in the kitchen doorway for a beat to appreciate the view of his mate-to-be with the new knowledge he holds, smiling tenderly as his eyes crinkle happily.

As he watches his omega, he can't help imagining what it'll be like to mate one day.

Fukunaga is still dozing on the couch in almost the same position as before, arms having moved a bit so he's resting his head on his hands with his arms tucked towards his chest instead of on them while they're crossed. That strange tang to his scent is there though it's weirdly muffled and not as bright as before, subtle but stable now and Tendou understands it this time as he creeps closer. He couldn't smell the tang before, a strange chemical smell covering it up until he got nearer.

He silently kneels on the floor in front of his lover, watching Fuku's body relax and his eyes flutter a moment later as he must have caught his alpha's scent, but they don't open as he stubbornly stays put. Satori can feel himself relaxing too as he reaches out, fingertips grazing under a hidden sapphire lovingly. Fukunaga shifts and his eyes start to open, blinking dazedly up at the rubies before him as he tries to figure out what's going on and how long it's been. "Hey Baby, how ya feeling?"

"Okay, better." It's quiet for a few seconds as they enjoy the moment before Fuku rolls on his back and stretches head to toe then curls up again, both missing the pair sneakily watching from the kitchen door. There's no way the elder cats are missing the chance to see a new side to these two. Fukunaga's pale hand catches the monster's, pulling it from his face to twine their fingers. "Missed you."

"I missed you too, tons and tons, but no going back to bed yet no matter how snuggly you are." Satori smirks as his sub glares at the horrible concept of being awake. "Glad you're feelin better, but don't gimme dirty looks over having to be up. Gotta go home sometime, don't we? Sorry I didn't realize what your preheat was before, but I know now." Shohei frowns as embarrassment creeps into the sweet moment, huffing as his orbs dart away. Tendou cringes as he realizes that was insensitively tactless and nervously grins. "Oops. I just mean now that I know I can easily give you extra cuddles and we can buy some dried squid on the way home?"

Fukunaga blinks before laughing, a light melodic tune that carries as the redhead's tail wags. "Nice save." The ginger shrugs nonchalantly but beams proudly, flashing his fangs as they nuzzle each other. "You're so tired. Was it rough tonight?"

"Nah, just busier than normal. I got here later than I planned to. It was almost nine, but I talked to the guys for a few minutes before I woke ya up." Tendou shrugs again with the offhand contrary reply, Fuku tugging lightly at the other's collar as he notices the brush off for what it is as Satori tries not to worry him.

The guesser leans in and the cat places a chaste peck on his lips, earning a purr and an answering kiss that is far more couple like than his own ghosting one offered and nuzzles for his bravery making him giggle as Satori purposely makes it tickle.

He sits up and rubs at his eyes with loose fists, excusing himself to use the restroom and jumping a mile when they turn and spot the older cat couple staring.

"You forgot we were here, didn't you?" Kuroo's leaning against the frame with a Cheshire smirk as Yaku grins beside him, snickering at the younger raven's plight as he sends his boyfriend an accusing glare. Talk about embarrassing, geez!

Satori brushes that off too, agreeing with happiness. "Yupp! I totally did~"

Tendou looks up to his omega as Fukunaga abruptly stands, a hand combing through silky red as he passes letting the alpha know he's not mad as he shuts himself in the bathroom to escape and pretend they didn't see anything let alone them kissing. It allows him to smoothly steal the headband too, red falling around the monster's head naturally without it much to Fuku's immense pleasure as his tail sways. Satori pouts as he reaches after him with grabby hands like a child before flopping onto the couch distraught upon missing, Shohei ignoring him completely.

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