Chapter 35

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

Feeling the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as if he's being watched intently, Fuku turns around as he sets a volleyball back in its bin to find Tora standing there looking extremely uncomfortable and oddly hesitant yet determined. "H-hey."

The raven waves to return the greeting, eyes darting to see everyone else quickly pretend to keep picking up while really watching the pair tensely. Focusing back on Tora with the thought that his friends really suck at faking nonchalance, he drops his hand again to clutch his pantleg nervously. The mohawked cat frowns harder as he shuffles and shoves his hands deep into his track jacket's pockets.

"So... You're back, and probably caught up by now." Fukunaga nods carefully, small brows rising as he warily watches his best friend. This is so weird... Maybe now?

It's quiet again for a minute then the dominant swallows hard and squares his shoulders confidently, but it's not hostile for the first time in a long time. "Can we hang out tomorrow? I know you probably wanna hang out with him or whatever, but I think it'd be a good time for us to do what we talked about the other day."

Blinking, Fuku tilts his head as he gives the alpha an appraising once over before smiling unnoticeably at him taking the initiative. It means he wants to fix things too and that makes him happy, he was starting to think maybe he didn't since Fuku's been back all week and he hasn't said a word the whole time. He didn't think Tora was waiting for him to catch up and level his sugar back to a stable range, but he guesses he should've. "You mean talk?" When Tora scowls huffily and nods jerkily, the raven suppresses a snicker. "Okay. And... we didn't plan to. He has to work."

Fukunaga is trying hard to make the struggling conversation flow and keep things light, but each word is stilted as they stare awkwardly at each other. Talking and socializing has never been one of Fukunaga's stronger points. Tora chuckles with some strain in it, shrugging as he brings up a 'peace offering'. "I've got popcorn."

The raven blushes, recalling the harsh craving that just wouldn't leave him alone this last cycle. His eyes dart away, staring at the oh so suddenly interesting wall nearby instead as the ace laughs. "Ma's takin Akane out for some shopping."

The explanation doesn't really help their level of uncomfortableness, but the man's trying. He adds that his father is out of town for a high school reunion, the omega relaxing but shrugging as he's unsure what to add. The alpha's making it clear it will be just the two of them, but Fukunaga isn't affected by that. He only asked for one on one because of what he talked about with Satori and Kuroo and Yaku, that an audience might affect the dominant's attitude. "Well, uh... See ya then, I guess."

"Lunch maybe?" Fukunaga adds softly, simply trying to ease some of the tension in the air. It's so thick, he's starting to worry it'll make it harder to breathe. The last thing he wants is for Taketora to think he isn't actually interested in fixing them.

"Sure, we can eat out then head to mine or whatever. Want me to pick you up and we can go to the usual place?" Tora's pushing to try to make it seem like everything is normal as he perks when the raven adds to the conversation for once, attempting to appease and grinning hopefully but Fukunaga shakes his head negatively almost immediately. He wants the time before they meet up to get his thoughts together and collect himself. Tora frowns, but he's persistent. "How about we meet there?"

Shohei nods again and assumes the conversation is over, walking passed his best friend to get his belongings since everything else is done. They go their separate ways home with Tora in a much better mood than when he approached the raven and Shohei's not sure if he was infected with the details disease by hanging out with Satori too much or what, but he notices that everyone seems to wilt and relax all at once in relief when the pair finish speaking without any bloodshed or gore.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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