Chapter 19

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

The boys work hard in their respective lives, nothing really changing during their usual schedules other than they're on the phone more often now whether it's a call or to text. The calls are helping Fukunaga be comfortable enough to talk verbally a little more with someone other than his mother or in the safety of his home, albeit pretty much only with Satori or occasionally to argue with Tora who doesn't approve of him being in a gay relationship. Of course, he tries to avoid the arguments. They try not to let their new relationship take over times where they need to focus like classes or Fukunaga's practices, apparently mostly successful.

In the weeks after Fukunaga goes home, they get into a routine of when to talk and leaving random little messages for the other to find when they get a spare minute in an attempt to make each other smile while showing they're thinking of them.

They make sure to spend time together often to help ease the strain distance causes, though sometimes it's a couple days in-between. Fukunaga notices Satori tends to get kind of worried when that happens, but it doesn't last long if he tells the alpha he misses him or something sappy along the lines of wishing he were with Fuku or they could cuddle. Giving affection or seeking it from the phoenix goes a long way personally and instinctually. Tendou notices Fuku gets a bit nervous during the times they don't talk too but doesn't make it quite as obvious as he does.

It's something that Satori's trying to figure out a way to change as they learn each other's nuances and quirks. He wants his omega secure in their relationship and not worrying about them being apart so much, he can tell Shohei sometimes gets really upset over it. He also notices that the sub tries not to 'bother' him over things. It's something he wants more and more to talk to Shohei about so he hints at it.

They plan to hang out in person when possible, trying to figure out how make it work even through the beginning of September. They got to hang out briefly on the last Sunday in August before school started (barely after the omega's heat passed, that was an embarrassing conversation. He hadn't bothered to mention it and didn't talk to the alpha once it hit, his mother having to fill the freaking out dominant in on why he wasn't answering), Shohei taking a train right after breakfast and having to head back right after dinner due to school the following day and homework.

They only got mere hours, but they cherished it. It's more than they've gotten in the month they'd been apart, but a necessity his mother allows in order to renew his claim mark lest it interferes with their relationship or anything else such as his ability to focus, schoolwork, or even with his friends or dom. Omegas are known to get temperamental and jittery when a mark is nearly healed, losing their security the more it heals and longer they aren't mated or the mark renewed by the dom.

Satori plots behind Shohei's back, trying to keep his upcoming birthday visit a secret as he talks with his mother and Runa to arrange things. He also talks to them about the gift he intends to get for his boyfriend, trying to find the perfect one. It's not easy when the cat seems to instinctively read the monster like an open book half of the time, more each and every day no less. Satori has the damnedest time trying to deny the omega anything when he wants it and that includes answers to questions. Who knew the big bad monster would be such a softie when in love?

Tired though he is from working hard to get a few fully free days, Tendou's tail wags as he grabs a bag and excitedly gets on a train near the end of September.

Fukunaga settles amiably back into his daily life with more focus than before his August trip which starts to wane as time goes by and his mark starts to heal up once more, it doesn't help that lately Satori's been busy so they haven't gotten to talk much and half of the time that they do they're being interrupted or it's short.

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