Chapter 27

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

Fukunaga uses the train ride to try to calm down but can't fully, tail still flicking a while into it. Opening his phone, he swipes through pictures until he really isn't angry as much as sad and lonely. He ends up miserable as he stares at a group photo taken right before the elder cats' graduation that has everyone smiling as Tora has his arm thrown over Fukunaga's shoulders, flipping to one of Satori making a funny face as he hangs upside down on a couch with a Jump in his hands and feels the negative emotions grow. He needs the security of his dominant's presence.

His eyes burn and he tries his best not to let any tears fall, taking slow deep breaths as he puts the device away. He stares out of the window, trying to focus elsewhere but feels like his life is falling apart without knowing why. It doesn't make sense to him, Tora's never shown aggression to him or denied others in this situation. He can't choose between the two, sadly there's no choice to make when it boils down to it. He hates to admit he's already decided this, but Satori will win.

He loves his best friend, but that's his mate-to-be. He doesn't want to have to choose, used to think he couldn't or worried about how he could just pick one and lose the rest. He'd avoided Satori for a bit in the beginning of Tora's behavior to try to appease his friend and found out that wasn't going to work at all. Fuku hadn't been able to focus, he felt awful the whole time and his instincts screamed at him constantly, howling to get back to his alpha and how dare he deny his dom like that.

He couldn't do it, even for Tora, apologizing to the upset Satori for not talking for so long and telling him how much he missed him when he cracked. They eventually talked about what happened since Satori was at a loss, Shohei felt so guilty and thankful when his lover had gotten over his shock and comforted him instead of yelling at him or breaking it off. Satori hadn't been happy about any of it and was hurt over the avoidance, but he still supported the omega and they got through it.

It hasn't been easy. Yes, they've changed over their time and experiences together and will continue to do so for years to come just as there will always be more to learn. They're still learning a lot, adjusting. It will always take effort, but Satori and he are making it work. They're learning and growing like you're supposed to.

It only makes his decision of wanting to mate one day more concrete as days pass.

Sighing, he lifts his head from the cool glass as the train starts to slow at his stop and he gets off. He stares at the outside world from the station exit, dark and pouring hard like it's trying to match his mood. The omega trudges through the streets, getting lost more than once and taking two more hours to find the apartment complex as everything looks so different. It might have been faster if there were more people to ask directions from, sadly the rain and late hour drove most of them inside and off his path. He's a shivering wreck and soaking wet, using any awnings he can to stay as dry as possible though it doesn't help very much.

He stares for a few minutes, trying to build the courage to go in after he trudges up the stairs to the second floor and down the hallway to the correct door.

Placing his hand on it gently, he nibbles his bottom lip anxiously. He doesn't hear anything from inside, but he's not sure if he would at this hour or at all. He didn't tell Tendou he was coming even though they were texting. Fuku doesn't normally come on school nights, they just talk on the phone or text. Pulling his keys out in case the dom is asleep, he opens it silently and sneaks inside the dark apartment.

At first, he wonders if the alpha is out since he's usually up late watching tv or with his friends (not as often anymore between school and working)... or maybe taking solace with Semi since Fuku was so unreasonable with this last argument.

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