Chapter 7

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

Fukunaga's second year ends and third year starts without much fanfare, April turning to May where he has another heat then to June as he balances volleyball and school like normal. Kai, Kuroo and Yaku graduated and all got into their colleges respectively. Kuroo and Yaku into Tokyo's whereas Kai chooses to go further away.

The 'parents' even secured a small apartment nearby the campus.

He laughs during the graduation ceremony when Kuroo and Yaku break into a forced argument involving a lot of very nerdy terminology to pretend they're not about to cry, it's actually quite typical for them believe it or not.

It's hectic and tiring at first, but he welcomes all the distractions especially when the thought of the phoenix graduating hits. He's pretty sure he was a third year; Ushijima was and they're best friends so it would sadly make sense. Probably won't see him again now unless they magically end up at the same college, but he plans to go right here in Tokyo as well so it's not very likely thus he focuses elsewhere.

The cats make a lot of good memories and still talk on messenger with their older friends, sometimes even on video calls. Thankfully, he hasn't had to break up any fights yet since Tora told the new recruits how Fukunaga earned so much respect so quickly when he had been a first year, now if he so much as looks at a bucket the younger guys flinch and fall silent with wide eyes. It's hysterical. His methods leave the older boys more comfortable with leaving them for any period of time too.

He even got to see Yaku and Kuroo once since, his mother going over that way to visit with a friend who had a baby a week after the graduation happened. He goes with to see them and spends a lot of his time getting lost around there with his lack of directional skills or in the small communal backyard under the awning playing his violin, not wanting to disturb anyone even when the weather turns on him so he can't wander the streets. He doesn't care for rain much kind of like he hates the cold, put off by the general chill it brings. He doesn't mind warm rain though.

He does like certain benefits that come with them though, warm snuggly things.

It's a short weekend visit, but when he gets back Kenma's grateful Tora can focus on the raven instead of him again. His mother and him plan to go back to help and visit on occasion but are mindful of his extracurricular activities and grades.

Throughout the months, their club does well and the new players eventually catch on the way they're supposed to. It's fun. He also puts his new high tech microphone with a screen to go with his mini musical arsenal that can hook to his computer or amp (last birthday present from his mom) to good use (not that anyone besides his mom knows that he likes to sing) in his down time, becoming super fond of it fast.

It comes with a program to record with and tips and tricks in a booklet as well, he uses it to get better at it as much as possible and track his progress. He does pretty well, he always tries to get better but the advice and new equipment help.

His friends pitched in (they know he's into music and playing it somehow, just not quite how far) to get him a really neat soundboard (his mother helped them navigate the music world and helped them figure out what to get) plus another nifty hand knitted sweater with a matching cat eared hat from Akane (Tora's little sister) and Tora's mother that he'll absolutely adore throughout the winter. This time they're slate grey with darker flecks. He took the time to pick out and buy pretty nice wireless headphones with changing LED light up cat ears to go with his new mic and board so he can use them properly as his own little birthday present to himself, psyched about how cool he thinks they are when he finds them.

That summer vacation they have a camp in the beginning like usual, some of the other teams' new players are interesting. They make some awesome memories and look forward to the second camp in August. Competition is fierce again this year, he makes certain to do his best as much as possible so he'll have no regrets when he graduates. He decided early on that he won't be playing in college unless it's recreational, thinking his future (and new experiences) should be his main focus.

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