Chapter 12

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff. Slight NSFW.

Lounging at the end of Tendou's bed in a nest of pillows and blankets where the guesser had placed Fukunaga after carrying him abruptly (again, it's becoming a thing that Fuku's going to have to fix) with random snacks and drinks on the floor around them, they debate over the characters in the anime series they're watching so seriously like it's real. A perfect date in his opinion. He's sitting butterfly style as the alpha sits crisscross and they lean forward as conversation abruptly ends, completely focused on the episode as something else happens to the world hopping party without warning. The perilous adventures have them engrossed entirely.

It turns out Shohei adores it, coyly claiming Kurogane's hot when the ginger excitedly throws his opinions around of them including pairings. Tendou (hypocritically offended all things considered despite saying Fai is cute to him which is what triggered the statement in the first place) demands to know why with a scowl, plotting how to murder a fictional character for stealing his crush's attention as his tail smacks heavily against their nest in open agitation.

His upset and anger, however, melts when Fuku mumbles he has pretty red eyes that remind him of Satori's except sadly a couple shades darker like it's the most natural thing to say without looking away from the screen... or blinking. Or noticing he spoke, not registering they're talking as his mind is fully immersed in the show.

He goes on to say they're similar, each a super tall, strong badass who can read people among other things while often times misunderstood from their confidently comfortable way of being themselves without care of ridicule. It's annoying that people are so quick to see the negative or make things that way when it's different from themselves or what they're used to or understand without making an effort.

Tendou wants so badly to ask what other things so he can hear more of the raven's unfiltered opinions of him but can't when Shohei's unusual rambling (probably because he's not actually paying attention to anything other than the television including his own speaking, almost completely zoned out) turns to his opinions on the other characters. They agree Kurogane and Fai are the best coupling, hands down. They switch disks again as it ends, excited to see what's next.

Only a couple minutes into a random episode and they're interrupted, both jumping a mile high while puffing their fur up on instinct when a crescendo of violins echo loudly nearby in the enclosed space during a suspenseful moment critical to the mission on that world. Of course, couldn't happen at literally any other point so far where they're just talking or wandering around. Tendou combs his hands through his hair to get it to sit again as Fukunaga does the same to his and his tail.

Blinking at each other in the dark room with only the television for light, Fukunaga climbs over to the headboard to collect his phone before crawling back to the end of the bed as Satori pauses it. "It's Mom." Tilting his head curiously as he answers with a cheerful hum, his tail darts up in shock before dropping beside his leg.

She yells angrily at a surprised Fukunaga instantly and Tendou lays his chin on a strong thigh, long fingers wonderfully combing through loose crimson on pure instinct causing the alpha to purr quietly. It's a building habit the monster's glad the shorter didn't lose since their time at camp together, he really loves it and can't help wondering if the roles were reversed. Would my kitty cat? I bet he'd love to be pet, maybe even purr all cute like for me. Definitely gotta try soon.

It's like their relationship is picking up right where they left it a year ago with flirting and all or maybe a little further in the process. They aren't complaining.

"I'm fine. I'm at Satori's watching TV. There's this ani- what are you so worked up about? You knew I was-" His brow furrows as he falls momentarily silent, a frown tugging his lips down. "What? No way, it can't be. We've only watched a few episodes." Looking around disbelievingly, he spots the alarm clock. When the dom gives him a questioning look, Fuku points to it and Sa gets an equally disturbed look.

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