Chapter 34

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff. NSFW. I'm so distressed... Fukunaga's eyes are a soft light ish brown like cinnamon or brown tourmaline. I was rewatching Riku vs Kuu and at one point they do flashing close ups on some of Nekoma's faces while up against Fukurodani, Fukunaga's one of them. I did screenshots and caught it. His eyes are like a soft or flattish cinnamon/brown tourmaline, not vibrant or anything. Not quite a solid darker one like chocolate or anything, but not bright like Kuroo's or Kenma's and other people's light amber or whatever. They're so soft they're almost flat or matte making them blend in. That said, I'm keeping the midnight/greyish blue that I imagine them as for my existing stories, but I don't know what I'll do about other ones or anything as of yet that I've written but haven't decided to publish or not.

By the time he's most of the way home and texting with his worried dominant, Fukunaga starts getting an inkling to why he feels so funny and desperately prays he's wrong. Ten minutes from home, he knows he's not and calls Tendou as his eyes dart around sketchily. Fear starts to seep in, there are plenty of other passengers including alphas and there's no way out until it stops next at his stop. "It's started."

"What?! But you're still out in the open! I thought you had until Tuesday! Damn it, I knew I should've gone with you. I coulda gone and come back easy enough, I'm such an idiot!" Satori's voice rises a shrill octave in horror even as a low growl underlines each word, his already out of whack instincts instantly raging at the idea of his mate-to-be being outside in heat for any reason. "Don't hang up, stay on the phone."

"I won't... I was supposed to, it's early. ...I've-I've never been early before." Shohei keeps his voice hushed and vague in an attempt to not bring attention to himself as he easily obeys, pulling the swiped D.Gray-man hoodie tighter and tucking his legs into it. He slips the hood up, trying to mask his growing scent in his alpha's musk as he hides as much as he can in such cramped quarters. The soap's chemicals are slowly becoming ineffective, his stomach plummeting as instinct kicks in and he looks for comfort and security from his intended automatically. "Satori?"

"Yeah?" The hesitant tone has the omega debating not to say anything but realizes quickly that isn't any different than what he did before. He needs to speak up.

Plus, Fukunaga could really use his dominant's support right now as he can barely get the words passed his lips, barely more than a breathy whisper. "I'm scared."

His pupils dilate as he sees a nearby alpha turn in his direction as he peeks through the crack the hood makes, noticing the way the man stiffens bodily and stays focused on the feline's direction even when attempting to turn his head away when he's unsure which person is exactly the source of it. Fukunaga shifts slightly, pulling even his tail in and realizes the man is hyperaware of his presence now as well as a second one just as the announcement rings about the upcoming stop. If he wasn't sure before, it didn't take long for him to figure it out much to Fuku's dismay. He's not sure why this is happening to him, it never has before.

"I know Baby, just keep your head low and stay calm. Getting worked up will only get your scent to release stronger, stay still and relaxed." Sho frowns and decides that's not what he wanted to hear no matter how hard his dom is trying to make his voice appear calm and soothing. If it were that easy, he wouldn't have called at all.

"I'm trying, but it's hard. Train's almost to the station though." He swallows harshly as he spots a third alpha further away sniffing the air curiously, cursing internally.

"That's good, your house isn't too far. When you get off, run. I don't care how weird it looks, sneak out of the station and run home. Take the most direct path you can unless there's too many people on the street then find a less populated one and take that but don't go down any deserted alleys or anything in case you need to call for help. Do not hang up until you're inside your house, I don't care if you need to pull it away from your ear while you run but keep it on hand." The strict orders given in such a commanding tone leave no room to disobey, the omega's instincts flaring as his pupils blow up, his breath hitches and his body relaxes automatically.

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