Chapter 3

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

Fukunaga runs his fingers on his good hand through the grass and little wildflowers, the wrapped one resting on his stomach as he lays on his back with a blanket of leaves above. Spots of sunlight filter through the canopy, just enough to have warmed the ground before his arrival and he hums in pleasure at the feeling as his eyes slip shut. He pulls his feet closer until they're almost touching his backside, letting his torso twist slowly as his legs fall to the side with his tail curling around them. Song after song carries from the speakers on his cell, his mind drifting through memories this trip has given him among other random ones mostly from his high school career. Most good, but not all. Still, he prefers them to most others of his life so far, each one precious. Almost every single one has someone else in it.

He remembers meeting Tora and Kenma, how they used to fight verbally and physically. Well... until he dumped a bucket of water on them anyway and threatened more than once after that. How they learned to get along, how he learned to fit with them. How they accepted him as he is mostly, only trying to get him to talk more than he does and open up. Most of that's Tora now. The rest surrendered to his stubborn streak and shy tendencies, but he tries and they're happy with that much. He likes them being open with him so it's only fair.

Meeting the team, becoming a makeshift family. Learning Kuroo and Yakkun are dating, solidifying their parental roles ever further as well as everyone's respect for them. They accept every kind into their clowder including Inuoka, the puppy that thinks he's a cat. No one has the heart to tell him and they won't let Kenma.

Lev pining after Yuki, unsure what to do about his newfound feelings (in fact that's still ongoing sort of since it's only been a few weeks since they started working with the rest of the newbies) for the libero-in-training after he got over his light crush on Yaku aka what reminded them to tell the rookies of their mated status.

Crushing on Tora, rough times those were but the alpha was built beyond belief even in their first year! Can you blame him? He practically oozes dominance. He got over that quickly just by getting to know him as a friend, it's hard to crush on someone always gushing about girls and picking fights like a fool no matter how good a guy they are. It's hysterical to watch though and perfect to use when he pisses Fuku off. Nowadays he likes to rag on the dom more than anything. Not that it doesn't occasionally catch him off guard with a random muscle flexing or show of strength that gets under his skin, but it's over as quickly as it starts since Tora can't keep his mouth closed for more than half a second. He makes a great friend, but Shohei came to terms that he isn't want he wants in a boyfriend or mate fast.

Generally, he realized that not only is it never going to happen, but he didn't actually like him that way at all. He was just attracted to the 'alpha' vibe he puts off and the muscles, not even a ton either. Just some, like a hormonal reaction he couldn't help because he's a teenage boy and an omega with heats every three months and didn't know the difference between types of likes. If he waits a few seconds, it settles right down without an issue. He just has to keep it from showing on his face until then or risk weird vibes between them, 'macho' men can be weird.

He's not the only one that Fukunaga reacts to like that either which helped ease his mind a lot, several of the other alpha's cause it too and it's nearly always a dominance thing that he's reacting to. He's glad it's only hormones and not more.

Comforting Kai when he and his girlfriend broke up after she cheated on him, though that was more or less everyone piling into a giant tangle of limbs with a weekend movie marathon and snacks galore. Let it be known, Fukunaga believes break ups (sometimes crushes too) seem highly awkward as hell, almost as much as his social skills. Especially when it's in a horrible way like walking in on some other guy being buried balls deep in your partner then the girl they'd all accepted as one of their group turns around and tries to blame your friend who's too nice to argue it so he just lets her get away with it so she'll leave. Oooh, if looks could kill.

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