Chapter 5

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

The next three days follow a similar (though a lot less distractingly foolish thanks to Washijo) pattern, the two almost consistently found together or nearby whether they mean to be or not even during their off time. It's just often enough to be noticed if you pay attention but could still be missed or considered a friendly thing (the coaches are certain it's not entirely that though). Nekomata and Washijo make wise cracks about it quite a bit to each other, watching as even when they're apart in the same room they steal glances. Sometimes it's at the same time and shy smiles are traded, generally the feline on the shy part and Tendou grinning adoringly. The biggest oddity is how their personalities shift when together.

Shohei becoming a little more animated, expressive and a few times talkative... At least, for talkative for him. Satori actually calms down beside him as he naturally reacts to what his brain picks up on that others don't in Fukunaga, like needs or things not said out loud. Again, not a huge thing but it's effective.

It's odd how they instinctively react to each other as well. Fuku looks to the dom when he's near for direction and trying to please like a claimed sub would and Satori reacts much the same by checking for the submissive's approval or if he needs helps with anything while trying please him. It's like watching a new couple.

There are several times they share alone too, though they're sadly short lived thanks to friends and somewhat tight schedules. The morning of the day camp ends, the others find them already together by the time they get up.

Tendou waking early (for once) and wandering out to get water only to stumble upon a dazed kitten leaning against the fridge like he's trying to catch a nap with his unseeing eyes cracked open and tail limp on the floor. When he doesn't respond to the phoenix's call other than a slow shift of dark orbs in his general direction, Satori sets his medication bottle down on the table before scooping him up with a wry smile. He quickly deposits the lethargic cat in a chair before going about making food, he's not a great cook by any means but he can manage basics like a simple breakfast... probably? Okay, so only sometimes but it's worth a shot.

He remembers the articles he's read up on before bed almost every night since they've started hanging out about hypoglycemia, symptoms to watch for and their diets. He's certain they said eggs are a good morning time breakfast thing.

He starts working on fixing them when thin tips of piano fingers press against his lips and he opens his mouth automatically, a small pill being dropped on his tongue.

He adjusts the heat of the pan so the 'omelet' to be won't stick when he pours it in then there's a mug pressed to his mouth; he dutifully takes a sip since he's certain the omega isn't poisoning him. He recognizes the semi chalky taste of it as his own medication, a quick glance as Shohei sets the wonderfully too sweet hot coffee down on the counter beside him shows him closing the prescription bottle and proving him right. Fukunaga looks more alert after a few minutes, stealing a sip or two from Satori's coffee as he's becoming prone to do over their time together.

Luckily caffeine doesn't drop him like some with his issue according to the articles.

It's a very normal, everyday moment (perhaps slightly domestic even), but it's almost tender in his mind as he watches the paler man snuggle into his side and curiously watch him with a hand tangled in the back of his shirt to help keep him upright. It's almost a wanted torture with the conflicting emotions and instincts the small gestures he makes trigger, both agonizing and wonderful all at once.

"Grab some plates, Kitten." Satori gently cards his fingers through fluffy raven strands affectionately, pulling the pan from the heat with the other hand. It's nothing fantastic (wouldn't be in the kitchenette since it's bare minimum kinds of things regardless of his skills), but there are a few extras that were brought by people or put in by the staff for use if they want to. They're all leaving this afternoon so there's no more practice, they'll have a barbecue right before they all head out but the rest is up to them. He assumes no one will care at this point.

The Phoenix and the CatDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora