Chapter 17

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

"I'll see ya for dinner." Satori grins, waving spastically and prancing off to help a friend with something. Fukunaga quietly waves back, watching from his spot sitting on a bench. He fiddles with the pendant on his boyfriend's necklace, happy in the knowledge of it as he waits for his friends to pick him up. He's wearing another t-shirt and capris outfit in soft colors that don't stand out, letting the pendant do all the work with its shiny silver bird and crystal ball containing a deep red 'flame' with hints of yellow and orange on the adjustable simple black leather cord.

He's starting to like the imitation fire more than the phoenix itself surprisingly, it's the same color as Satori's hair. He wishes it was a few shades darker like his eyes instead though, he also feels a little dejected but he can't figure out why. He assumes it might be that he just wants to be close to his alpha since the claim is still so new, digits brushing over the sensitive fang marks just below the necklace itself where his scent gland resides in the juncture of neck and shoulder.

His sandals scuff softly against the ground as he tucks his feet out of the way under the bench with his tail, people scurrying along as he feels his pockets to check for his phone, kit, liquid sugar substitute mini bottle and wallet.

He people watches for a while, the busy plaza showing a variety of scenes to keep him entertained for quite some time. It's hot out, but his spot is slightly shaded and the light breeze is nice. He uses the time to think about his new relationship and what it means, it's a big adjustment but it felt so natural.

He nibbles his bottom lip as he thinks about the changes that have already happened, ones that should, ones he's unsure of, and ones he wants. He also briefly considers things that normally happen in relationships, blushing lightly before attempting to banish the more intimate thoughts. It doesn't really work so he takes a moment to actually consider why and realizes that as much as he's wanted this, he hasn't really thought it through very well on some of the more basic steps.

He decides to take it in stride, it's a first for them both to be in a dating kind of relationship and there will probably be some hiccups. We'll just have to work on it together and make sure to talk things out. It doesn't need to be perfect all the time, nothing is... We need to be able to be honest about things bothering us like he was. That's gonna be harder for me than him, I tend not to say anything and go with the flow. I need to speak up and stuff like Tora always says, it's only fair.

He's beginning to fret over it a little, twisting his piano fingers together over his black pants. I can do that. It can't be too hard, right? People do it all the time. What if I make him too mad or worse, hurt him? I might be able to tell, but what if I can't? He didn't have any problems telling me about being jealous over Tora. He might always be that way though. Should I ask? Is it allowed? It has to be. Damn it, I need a guidebook or something like a cheat sheet. Walkthrough? How do people deal with this? I wanna get to know him more, need to, but... can I just ask?

His orbs at some point fall to the ground as he's lost in thought, not paying attention but it doesn't show through his normal expression unless you know him well. I can't imagine him getting mad at me for asking something, but what if it's a sensitive topic and I don't know it? He goes over a few memories as a hand sneaks up to touch the necklace, fingertips brushing his new mark for reassurance.

His stomach flutters as he automatically pictures Satori's gentle smile when he's happy and pride mixed with sweet warmth swells in his chest then spreads, not the usual one Satori wears or when he's being goofy though he likes them too. "I'm such a sucker for his smile." His whispered admission is carried away on the breeze, mind moving from one thought to another. I'll try hard to keep him happy. I can look up whatever I need online or just ask him or the guys or whatever. No biggie.

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