Chapter 29

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

They keep it light and hold off on talking in-depth until they get to Yaku's home and make themselves comfortable with a cup of hot coffee. He's so glad he left a can of sugar free powdered creamer here last time and that Yaku likes to keep things around the guys or Fuku favor just in case they visit. Yaku's always been motherly so he made it a point to learn what he could about his diet, making sure to keep sugar free things that Fuku can eat (feeding the guys the ones that won't work) for visits. It makes it a lot easier for the young raven. "So, wanna start by telling me what's going on with you and Tora? It isn't like you guys to fight."

When Yaku asks about the sensitive situation involving two of his dear friends, he isn't happy or mad. He doesn't scold or get defensive and ready to argue like Tora nor is he ready to leap to Fukunaga's defense the way Satori gets. He has the same tone he uses when someone does something questionable as he waits for a reason to decide whether they should get in trouble or not, curious and prepared but not too pushy or judgmental. Maybe a little concern mixed in. He appreciates it more than he can say, thankful not to have to deal with either end of the spectrum no matter how good the intentions are. Either way adds some pressure, this doesn't.

He sighs silently, eyes falling to his cup to drip in a few drops of his sugar substitute when Yaku admits they're out of the Monkfruit or Allulose he likes (he likes to try to come up with deserts and stuff for when Fuku visits but this one wasn't planned for so no one is really prepared) as he organizes his thoughts in order to relay the facts once more. He stirs it in and tucks the bottle back into the hoodie pocket, waiting as Yaku throws the spoon in the sink and comes back.

Fukunaga leans back against the arm of the couch and tucks his legs and tail up under him to curl up, Morisuke casually stretching out on the other end with his legs along the cushions crossed at the ankles and cup in one hand as he listens to Fuku's soft explanation. Shohei doesn't accuse anyone, giving facts instead of opinions. He makes it a point to go through everything from the day before until Yaku gives him the stern mom look when Sho says that's it, insisting he knows what happened factually from Kenma already and that he wants to know Fuku's view of it.

He nibbles his lip, contemplating in a soundless debate for five minutes through his thoughts and memories before deciding to talk. He needs a confidant; someone he can talk to that isn't automatically going to fight for or against Tora but also willing to tell Shohei when he's wrong without being an ass or right without Fuku needing to question the objectiveness of the opinion. Someone neutral that knows them both. Someone who isn't biased to one side or the other, who can see the whole picture for what it is. Someone he's comfortable enough to share secrets with.

He adores Satori and the dom's trying hard, but he's totally sticking up for his omega and mostly putting down the alpha he sees as a threat before considering anything else. Wonderful as that can be, it's not as helpful as he needs right now.

Runa may like Tora, but Shohei's her son, she'll always be on his side the same way Tora's parents will be on his. Even Akane would reluctantly choose a side and it wouldn't be his. That's her big brother she adores, but he'd never be able to talk to her about these things and he'd never ask her to choose anyway so that's moot.

He'd talk to Kenma and he's sure the beta would listen even if he didn't want to, but he's not the type you go to for people advice. The beta also can't fully comprehend omega or alpha or even instinctive issues from being one of the two breeds, it's not just the fight with Tora he needs someone to talk to about. It's everything.

He needs someone he can talk to about all of it. School, home, personal, breed things, and volley concerns as well as friend concerns. He can talk to Satori about so much as his intended, but there are things he needs another for. He'd like to be able to talk about Satori and things only omegas deal with, like heats and urges and things like that. He may not usually brag, but he would like to talk (gush and preen) about his alpha. It's an omega thing, proud of their claims. He didn't want to put any of his friends in the middle or bother anyone, but he can't keep doing this. It's unhealthy. Unfortunately, his options are limited so one of his friends will have to be put in the middle and bothered. Even then, Yaku's the only one who fits the bill.

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