Chapter 13

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

The boys slip inside the small restroom (which is awkward as they bump into and trip over each other with snickers, they're tall but skinny enough that they manage somehow) and work through their personal morning routines, luckily Tendou has mouthwash to help the cat. It just doesn't feel fully clean when he has to brush with his finger and gargle mouthwash, but it'll have to do until he gets to his own.

Better than nothing at all he supposes so he doesn't complain.

Moving into the kitchen/living main area, they find his mother sitting on the couch talking on the phone in a serious tone about what sounds like work. They keep quiet, Fukunaga starting to make lunch since it's so late and they both need to eat. He even teaches Satori about the tracker app on his phone to help plan meals and finds it amusing when the ginger immediately downloads it on his own too, messing with it to get a feel for what the feline has to go through in order to eat. The younger Tendou grabs the things Fukunaga asks for and sets the little dining table off to the side for three after asking his mom if she wants to join them, she's ready to tackle him into submission until she realizes the omega's working in the kitchen easily. She's worried, but her son assures her the sub actually can cook.

She's skeptical at best and suspicious as hell, but reluctantly lets it slide. For now.

Satori darts about around the calm shorter male, whispering that she does want to eat and getting a laidback nod. The minutes tick by as the things Satori is capable of helping with dwindle, turning his focus to the raven instead. He leans down to steal a quick peck, both jumping as a high-pitch screech resounds in the apartment.

They whip around in the female's direction to see hearts in her eyes and her hands clutched in front of her chest, sparkling emeralds glued to them and no phone in sight. Confused blue orbs turn to look up at resigned red, but they turn away and a funny little 'oops' smile is on his lips. "Oh yeah. Did I mention my mom's a fujoshi?"

He chuckles nervously, rubbing at his neck as his eyes creep over to his lover.

Fukunaga stares at him for a minute, face giving nothing away before he simply turns back to cooking and Satori doesn't know what to make of the lack of reaction.

People always react, even Wakatoshi who happens to be an alpha himself was surprised that his mother imagined the solemn teen being the only seme for her alpha son. She was super descriptive too in her own way, not graphic on the more intimate side but definitely on romantic gestures. He can't read any signs that the raven even heard him other than the fact that he'd clearly been paying attention and gave a single nod before moving on. When asked, Shohei shrugs nonchalantly.

The guesser may not know it, but after dealing with Akane and Alisa and all that so long (including parents like Tora's mom being sure him and Tora would get together) he's a bit dulled to females fangirling and excited over guy pairings. He's used to it.

It's not much longer before Satori's shooed off without Fuku bothering to explain his lack of reaction over it, the alpha trying to steal bits of food and getting his hands smacked is not a game the submissive appreciates as he brandishes the spatula he's using towards his partner threateningly with his usual straight face.

His mother and him sit down with cups of coffee instead, the male ginger keeping a close eye on the omega a few feet away who has yet to eat. He wasn't dangerously low, but he's barely in the parameter he's supposed to be. He says it's normal for the morning, Satori doesn't like it. Memories and thoughts evoke a fond smile as he watches the somewhat sluggish feline move about, albeit a little slower and klutzier than he's used to seeing him move. He doesn't even realize he's ignoring his mom.

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