Chapter 28

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

They sleep all night, the cat unsurprisingly still asleep when Tendou's alarm goes off outside their cocoon. Extricating himself back into the cooler area of the actual room, the ginger shuts it off and rubs a hand over his face as he sits on the edge of the bed after stretching. He slept surprisingly well. He feels really good.

He eyes the blanket pile, frowning as it stays perfectly still. His instincts are insisting something isn't right, but he doesn't know what. He goes about his morning like usual, eyes roaming back to the door to his room often or to the pile when he's in the room as it stays put. Sho's scent is off, his attitude is even more off, and his things are all hanging up in the bathroom as if they'd been wet. He folds the few clothes and puts them back in the dry bag, setting them inside the bedroom door against his dresser. He keeps the sugar kit on the bathroom counter, not close enough to the sink to get wet but still easily in sight for when the cat needs it.

"Baby, you ready to get up? I want you to eat something before I leave, even if it's small." He lifts the blanket enough to talk to the male, getting a discontent growl as the feline rolls so his back is to him. Tendou really hopes he didn't catch a cold when he was out in the rain, that's the last thing the poor omega needs right now.

He eventually gets him to snack on some chocolate, not that that's the best thing for him but it's better than nothing. Shohei actually bites the alpha pretty hard when he tries to drag him out, Satori pinning him before his mind fully registers the teeth as instinct kicks in. His fangs bite into his temporary mark on the feline's throat, forcing the omega down while on top until Sho stops fighting it and hissing.

He's very careful not to hurt his submissive, merely holding him there in warning as he waits for him to calm down. It's weird, he's never seen the smaller be so moody or temperamental like this before, so uncomfortable. It feels different than when his sugar acts up, but he frustratingly can't pinpoint why and it's bothering him.

He somehow knows it's not dangerous despite the volatile attitude. In fact, his instincts are weirdly pleased and delighted over the situation, he isn't sure why that is either. When Shohei's released, he's laughing and talking like he's hyper which is actually super cute in the monster's opinion. He's so innocently bubbly.

He's completely playful as he bats at the bigger male with his tail and they wrestle and play for a while, relaxing with the alpha behind and half on top of the kitty again after they use up all the extra energy. He keeps his weight pressed into Sho as the cat talks to Yaku on the phone briefly to set a time to go over. It's odd that they keep curling like this, but it's what feels natural and right. It's automatic.

Tendou kisses the crook of his neck lovingly, running his tail in contently lazy swipes on the bed and rubbing his cheek against the cat to leave his scent. Satori sniffs and notes it's even more off and stronger than before they horsed around, but by the time the call is winding down the scent is closer to normal.

By then, Fukunaga's also practically smothered in the dominant's scent. They love it.

The ex-libero agrees to come in the afternoon to get him, Fuku staring into space as his mood drops after hanging up and texting the address. Satori is starting to get whip lash. Maybe I shouldn't have fed him candy first thing...? Can that even be the reason? I've never asked what candy does beyond sugar spikes and crashes.

Tendou is glad he's being more open than usual, watching as he cooks brunch while humming. Maybe it's because of everything going on, it's a lot for someone as sensitive as he is. Maybe it's just too much at once. No, that's not right. I know I know this, it's so frustrating! It's right there! Grr, think Satori, thiiink!

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