Chapter 18

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff. Hints of potential NSFW and old ladies.

Sa flops on the couch while drying his hair after a quick shower as Fuku sets the table, eyeing the open sketchpad and the feline shrugs unapologetically back.

Tendou chuckles at him, explaining some of the different pictures in that book as well as the fact that the butterfly picture that Fuku adores so much was a turning point where he really got into a good groove with inspiration and his current self.

They sit across from each other at the dining table like usual, talking about what they did while apart among various other things that pop into their heads.

Fukunaga's getting annoyed.

Every time he mentions tomorrow with the intent to fill his alpha in on how it's expected to go like he wants to and thinks he should, he's cut off. At first, he thought it was an accident since the dom doesn't stop talking that often or for very long, but over the course of their meal it quickly becomes apparent it's intentional. He lets it go for a while before trying again, but Tendou talks over him the second he says 'tomorrow'. He's just going to have to go for it. "I'm leaving."

Fuku's voice comes out sterner than he intends due to his desperation to discuss it making it sound like a command or demand even, but he doesn't bother to change it while focusing on his dominant as the monster freezes in the middle of putting the last freshly clean dish away. Tendou finishes the move and sets his hands on the counter with a frustrated sigh, not turning around and tone clipped. "I know."

"Tomorrow." The silence between them carries out for several seconds as the older rubs his neck at his omega's now softer insistence to talk about this tonight.

"When?" The word is strained as the red head tips his way slightly and Fukunaga tries to figure out what the dominant's thinking as he still won't face him even when the submissive gets closer, his tail as stiff and still as the rest of him. With no clues, his own tail's fur fluffs up partly in fear as nerves eat at his stomach.

"Around noon, just after lunch." He watches worriedly as Satori turns around slowly while keeping his crimson gaze on the floor, his usual smile aggravatingly present despite the down aura emanating off him in waves. So forced, unnatural.

"Oh, okay." He lets his hand fall to his side as he leans back against the countertop, trying to be confident and okay. He's not. "So, um... Should we go to bed early?"

Suddenly Fukunaga feels like he's been slapped with the realization that Tendou's feeling the same way he is despite being a dominant and the tension leaves the cat all at once, he's probably worried about the distance and strain too. About being apart especially with everything being so new. Claims are no joke, instincts are hell.

Smiling as his fur lays smooth once more, Fuku thinks it'll be okay if he's a little selfish this one time since he's probably not the only one who wants to be as close as possible. It can't hurt to let Satori know he feels it too. "Yeah, we should."

Nodding vaguely, Tendou blinks when warm fingers slide across his face to cup his cheek. Rubies darting to meet heated blue, lips moving over his own sensually in a way he thinks should probably be considered criminal as his omega's lithe body leans against his. It has him leaning forward to follow when he pulls away, the light tenor of his lover like an invitation as his arms slip around the taller's skinny waist in a gentle hug. "Bed, but not to sleep right away. We could cuddle and talk?"

Fukunaga blushes as the alpha nods with a small smile, arms wrapping around the smaller body over the cat's arms to his back. "And tomorrow morning?"

The Phoenix and the CatOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant