Chapter 8

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

Small snickers fall from Shohei's mouth, a hand coming up to try to muffle the noises that slip passed. He's checking out an amazing store he stumbled upon while wandering and getting lost, a couple DVDs including the replacement of his now warped copy of Sparks of Insanity sitting on the floor beside his knees. He figures he'll check out a few more then look at the rest of the store, he'll have to eat in a bit and he doesn't want to have to rush through the exploration of this cool place.

The movie he's looking at is so cheesy it makes him chuckle again, putting it back and sitting on his heels to eye the other possibilities. He starts to reach for another, his hand falling from his mouth then he's unexpectedly caged and tipping forward alarmingly fast towards the hard wire shelves. He chokes on a shocked noise, his semi free hand flying out with quick reflexes alongside a larger one.

Turns out the cage is strong arms, arm now as he's pulled against a firm chest as a big body surrounds him with a knee on either side. He's about to push the person away when the familiar smell of warm cinnamon on a cold day fills his nose along with a particular voice registering, one he's longed to hear. He's pretty sure his heart stops right then, instinct taking over. "Kitten! Oooh, you're really real!"

Fukunaga gasps as a spaded tail encircles him in a wide protective arc, his head craning around in disbelief so his wide eyes can meet a startling pair of rubies.

"Satori!" Surprise coats his voice thickly as he blinks rapidly, confusion clicking into understanding then to joy with his voice louder than normal. He wriggles to uncage enough to move, turning in the once again two-armed prison to wrap his own tightly around a skinny torso. He almost tips them too in his giddy rush, nearly glomping the ginger with a high-pitched chirp echoing much to Satori's pleasure.

Tendou's excited, but nerves take over when Shohei starts to struggle. He doesn't pay it heed long as the cat returns the hug elatedly, nuzzling into the juncture of the monster's neck at his eye level to scent him before he thinks as the raven tuft wiggles back and forth in an energetic burst in the air like the red spade is currently doing. After a second, Fuku stiffens and tries to pull away. "Ah, sorry."

His shy tendencies kick in as his feelings surface for more than just happiness, stomach flipping as he cringes at the awkwardness and tries to curl into himself.

Last time, he hadn't even realized he liked the phoenix this way. Now, he can't not consider it or be flustered at being so close to the object of his affections. He doesn't make it far, those long arms locking in an unmoving vice as he nuzzles into raven locks with a deep inhale of the scent he's missed too. "For what, hugging me back? Oh, the horror!" Tendou's tone is playful and Fuku relaxes with a spark of amusement, snickering a bit. "It's been so long~ It was horrible! I missed you."

Leaning back barely enough to see ruby orbs again, his arms loosening as the very public hug ends and he nods quickly in agreement. They let go, standing up with Tendou reaching a hand down to help the omega. He thinks flowers are dancing around the raven before curiosity takes over, his dark eyes scanning over Satori's face for answers. "I missed you a lot too, but what are you doing around here?"

Satori's heart skips a beat at the casual admittance, it's not often people miss him or, at least, not often they admit it willingly. "Haaah? Central Tokyo? I'm from here originally and I'm going to college here. This store? It's one of my favorites that I like to check in with regularly, lots of good merch. I live a few minutes down the road so it's easy access too." Understanding dawns on Shohei's face as he nods again, firmly as his instincts do somersaults over being with the alpha. "What about you? This is a decent little hike from Nekoma." Now the tables have turned.

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