Chapter 9

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Note: I don't own Haikyuu and stuff.

Fukunaga shuts the door quietly, leaning against it and pressing an ear to it only to hear cheering from the hall seconds later. He knows he's blushing and badly, probably bright red all the way to the tips of his wiggling ears, but he couldn't care less as an airy chuckle escapes between his lips. He listens to the lilting morbid jingle sung joyously as the alpha leaves for the night, sliding down while remaining curled up against the door and his tail thumping a quiet rhythm against the floor.

Satori wasn't kidding around earlier when he mentioned having a crush on Fukunaga at the cafe, he meant it and that means he meant asking him out romantically too and everything else. His bag of movies slips off his wrist to clatter and crinkle as it hits the ground carelessly, drawing his mother's attention from the kitchen though he doesn't notice in his blissful purring state. She raises her eyebrows at the odd sight her son makes, the omega's eyes closed and a grin so large it's showing off his teeth in a rare display. He laughs softly and turns until his back is against the door while staring at a rather pretty flower. She's instantly intrigued. "Uh, Sho?"

Hazy, happily drooping eyes meet hers and she catches her breath. What's gotten into him? He looks so happy... Is he sick? Is his sugar too low, hallucinating maybe? Did he find a new Jeff Dunham movie or something? Where the hell did he get the flower from? Better not be hooking up with strangers, we'll be having quite the chat if he is! Yeah, right. He can barely talk to his own friends let alone be bothered with that. Oh god, please tell me he didn't rob someone or let some stranger talk him into believing something stupid. He's never done it before, but he missed his terrible twos... Is it happening now? "Do you wanna eat, honey? I'm whipping up dinner right now. I know it's a little late, but the baby was fussy with a belly ache." She tries to hide it but is sure the curiosity is clear as day, a trait they share. He shakes his head with a negative hum as he kicks his shoes off, moving to the guest room and coming back with a guitar instead of his plastic bag.

She gazes hard at the flower being held delicately in her son's hand as he moves into the kitchen. "I already ate." He sets the guitar aside to grab a tall glass and stares between the faucet and the flower he's cherishing before turning to her, he's still grinning with occasionally flicking ears and her patience is almost gone as she notices his tail swinging contently relaxed. She needs to know why her boy is so unbelievably happy for the first time in months and she needs to know now, he better start talking soon. "What's the best way to keep a flower alive longest?"

"That's classified." The clipped answer has him laughing, shaking his head.

"What if I bribe you?" He sets the cup down on the counter soundlessly.

She grins teasingly. "That's unethical, but I suppose with the right price..."

Her voice trails off, their eyes meeting in a playful manner. "Oh? What's it gonna take this time?" He can almost see the wheels turning in her head, victorious.

"I'm feeling generous, some useful information slipped my way might do the trick today." They try to hold the conversation as seriously (stably) as possible, but they crack and burst into matching melodic laughter. "Seriously, give it here before you break it. What's got you in such a good mood? I'm guessing it has something to do with this little number, it definitely would for me if someone gave me flowers."

She shakes her head in amusement as she grabs the cup she's pretty sure he plans to use as a vase in typical boy fashion, tracking down a sharp knife as he hesitates a beat before placing the flower meticulously on the counter after wiping it off. He moves to one of the chairs with his instrument as she pulls out a real vase after hollering to her friend about where one is, washing it out then filling it.

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