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⚠️triggering: self harm!⚠️

daniel could feel it, the rush of adrenaline at the simple sound of the front door closing. the click that confirmed his complete lonesome. the quicker he did it, the longer they'd take to find him. there was absolutely no way to keep him alive.

he bolted upstairs, feet slipping slightly but catching himself nonetheless. it was almost a race to get to his room, but he could feel his heart sink at the thought of his mother, father, siblings. what would they think?

daniel dragged himself into the room, looking around wearily before opening up the journal he'd set upon his desk. fingers trickled across each page corner, leaning over just to trace over the entries. he wanted to feel good about this, good knowing he wouldn't suffer anymore— but the adrenaline given was gone just as fast as it had come.

nevertheless, he stepped into his bathroom, eyes closed at the occurrences that caused him to feel this way; unwanted, unneeded, unloved.

daniel reached for the razor pack, feeling his heart rapidly pounding, almost as if it was punching his ribcage, willing him not to participate in the act of dying.

his fingers were trembling lightly, picking up a razor with horrible steadiness. daniel was scared, he didn't like pain at all— but he was so sick and tired of being in mental pain, the kind of pain that eats at the flesh of your heart, the kind of pain that turns your thoughts into the ashes of hell. he was so tired, and the simple thought of his previous pain caused for him to grip the razor tighter, forcing his hand to still.

daniel stared at his left wrist, right hand inching toward it as he squinted his eyes closed, feeling the thin blade's chill.

"one, two... come on— daniel..."

when nearing the third second he'd heard his bathroom door fly open, jolting with a hiss at the swipe of his wrist.

"fuck!" he cursed, face scrunching in agony.

"oh— oh, frick!"

daniel dropped the blade, holding onto his wrist with great pressure as his eyes opened at the unfamiliar voice.

his eyes widened at the sight of a blond, arms reaching out before the stranger folded them back toward his chest. his eyes were flooded with emotion, locked on daniels enclosed forearm.

"who the hell are you?!" daniel exclaimed, stepping back as he'd watched the male flinch at his loud tone.

"please let me explain."

his voice was soft, and daniel got a good glance at him— a blond, presumably bleached, he was shorter than daniel, dressed all in white. he seemed to be near daniel's age, which caused for the brunet's brows to furrow.

"m-my name's corbyn, i'm your guardian angel."

-apologies, but the beginning
contains some angst
-it'll get better just trust me (:

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