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they'd wasted the day away in daniel's bed, corbyn's mood lifted to its regular state by the time 'the breakfast club' was rolling credits.

when the popcorn was finished they ended up shuffling closer, their legs entwining together rather than only the calves.

the movie marathon was successful, both boys ended up going downstairs and daniel suggested that they could cook a pizza for simple food.

upon seeing the angel's weary glance and forced smile, he played it off easily and said he could order one if corbyn was up for it. which corbyn was quite thankful for in the long run.

after they had supper, corbyn had been messaged by ashley. she requested for him to come home and help with the chores, as ray had a busy day and both saskia and jordan were gone for that evening. so, he had to leave once again.

that morning, however, he had an early rise and wanted to do something nice for daniel, hoping it could make his day better. so, he got ready, slipped shoes on and gave his family a hug before stepping out the door.

"what's up with him?" saskia's spoon pointed in the direction of the door, mouth crunching with cereal as she spun a little in the seat at the island.

ashley shrugged, "probably something to do with daniel."

ray smiled, barely tuning in on the conversation as he kissed saskia quickly, "gotta go, duty calls."

and the few residents in the house waved him goodbye soon after they did corbyn.

the original plan was to make daniel breakfast, but upon seeing the oven corbyn quickly turned away from it with the shake of his head. nope, not again. never.

but what else could i do?

the sheen of daniel's car sparked through the window of the living room, and corbyn shrugged when he took notice to it. i've cleaned a car before. it only depends on whether its dirty or not. with the action set in his mind, his wings retracted, just in case any neighbours were to see.

so, he carefully slipped out the door so as to not wake the brunet, although he was almost positive he wouldn't.

daniel's car, after inspected, was identified to be clean. pretty dull of an answer, but, corbyn found that the taller male had flattened his tire. (presumably from the fast driving that took place on the night of the party.)

in corbyn's mind, he could easily change a tire, so he found his way into daniel's garage and rummaged through the messy piles and somewhat organized containers.

it was obvious he had no clue what he was doing when the car hadn't been raised by a car jack. luckily, though, he was able to remove the little nuts in the cap.

this comes off, then the tire... right?

he struggled immensely with simply pulling it from the vehicle, huffing when the cap fell into his lap. it wasn't the best idea to wear white clothes for this.

corbyn soon became frustrated as the wheel didn't budge, breathing out heavily overwhelmed as he could feel his waterline grow wet and warm. there's no reason to cry, dummy, just fix the stupid tire.

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