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corbyn came over the very next day, happy in his pure white attire as he knocked on daniel's window. the brunet groaned, eyes squinting open with a small glance around the room.

upon seeing the dim shadow of a fist, he released a quiet, exhaled laugh. as he swung his feet over the edge of the bed, his arms flexed and his back arched to stretch from sitting up.

corbyn, when seeing that, found his face flushing as his head turned away to look at the trees around daniel's home. it's 11, shouldn't he be up by now?

daniel had a lipped smile, small and welcoming as he opened the window to his room. corbyn was sat on the ledge of his house, looking off into the distance as daniel leaned on the windowsill.

"morning," he muttered, catching the blond's attention from the low rasp. corbyn would've fallen backward if daniel's hand hadn't reached out to take his. the brunet squinted as the sun parted clouds, grinning at corbyn. "don't fall."

corbyn nodded sheepishly, licking his lips with a glance to daniel. "are you only now waking up?"

daniel glanced at his clock, head turning as he stepped back to help corbyn in. "yeah, pretty much."

corbyn, after entering daniel's room, simply sat down on the messy bed and glanced around. his room was much more pretty in the lighting of the sun.

daniel stepped over to his closet, assumably picking through clothes. corbyn could only focus on the flexing of his back muscles, blinking with wide eyes as he forced his gaze to the floor. what is wrong with me?

corbyn hated how he could see the muscles of daniel's back from his peripheral, he hated the lowness of his sweatpants. why was daniel so distracting when shirtless? can he just put on a shirt already!

daniel finally got changed, and corbyn could look at him normally once again. the brunet ended up sitting on the computer chair once again, rolling close to corbyn as he did last night, just a little further away.

"okay, i have some questions."

corbyn nodded, meeting daniel's eyes as his hands clasped together, fingers locking. daniel made him nervous, very, very nervous (even if he wasn't as intimidating as before).

"so, like, does everybody have a guardian angel?"

corbyn pondered a moment, swallowing at the words of his mentor.

"my— my mentor said that not everybody has one, many people have guidance from their family members, but they've assigned me to you."

he waited a moment, spinning back and forth, "is everybody a guardian?"

corbyn explained how people could still give guidance from above and angels have permits but limited uses to come down to earth. other than that, daniel was able to explain his story of how his mother spoke of spiritual visits from his grandmother when the topic arises.

corbyn was very thankful that daniel had a grasp of the subject, he had troubles explaining it since it wasn't a subject spoken of often.

"oh, oh, wait—" the brunet had abruptly pushed back, spinning to meet his desk as he pulled out a small handful of feathers. when returning to corbyn, he spoke again, leaning forward just the slightest. "so, whenever you'd leave, there was these feathers out of thin air, and i decided to collect them..." he coughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck, "i- uh, basically, do you have wings?"

corbyn's head lowered, feeling daniel's gaze as he gave a small nod. he didn't prefer to have the spotlight on him, finding it much more comfortable when talking about his home more than his body.

"y-yeah, uhm, i hide them when i'm on earth. it sucks though, 'cause i get really bad back cramps from keeping them for so long."

daniel's eyes widened, he had the expression of a kid in a candy store. "are you able to have them out on earth?"

corbyn gave another shy nod, smiling with a short laugh. "i'm guessing you wanna see?"

daniel only nodded, tooth gap displayed as he studied every movement made. corbyn sat, focusing for a moment until he could feel the press of his wings. the blond released a relieved sigh, shoulders rolling back as his wings spanned.

daniel's eyes were glimmering, fascinated by the creature before him. although, he'd toned his excitement down, seeing corbyn's wings fold against his body. the right wing, just after folding, stretched out and curled to graze daniel's knuckle.

"they just kinda, disappear when i need, it's weird..." corbyn spoke quietly, nerves willing him not to move as he didn't want to accidentally hit anything.

the only thing that could cross daniel's mind was how magnificent corbyn was, of course, he would never say that aloud.

daniel cautiously lifted his hand, brushing the back of his against the gentle touch of feathers before transitioning to his palm. corbyn noticeably shivered, and the brunet was quick to pause. "is this okay?"

"y-yeah, yeah, just unexpected..." corbyn cursed himself for the warmth of his face, toying with his ring to distract from the delight of how careful daniel's hands were, caressing the layered feathers with cautious eyes ever-so-often, to ensure corbyn was okay with his actions.

corbyn's shoulders faltered their posture when the arch of his wing was touched, wings flapping gently as he smiled nervously toward daniel. the brunet could only return the grin, more gleeful than anxious.

"in advance, if i hit anything i'm so sorry." corbyn's right wing reached out again, seeing daniel stand to feel every inch.

"and, in advance, tell me when to stop." he responded, giving a playful smile to corbyn as he felt the particular arch once more, focused on corbyns reaction as he could see the way his shoulders raised. "ticklish?"


"that's like, the same thing!"

-h8  how corbyn's wing mechanism
is but pls dont attack me for it ik
its weird cause they just dIsSaPpear
i donno where they go!

-other then that
sorry for the late update🤧

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