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only days later had daniel woke up to feel bedridden, a weight on his chest as he sighed aloud. it was around twelve in the evening, another day of rain to match his mood. it rained a lot recently, but daniel was thankful for the sound.

his head felt floaty and heavy all at once, feeling sleep irritate his eyes as his chest rose slowly. he didn't want to move, he wasn't motivated to do so. i suppose even with pills i'll have episodes... it's not very magical.

he didn't even have the want to curl on one side, staring blankly into the ceiling with tired eyes. daniel could only feel like a grain of salt in the ocean, shrinking and deteriorating, unimportant to the rest of the world. he could only feel useless.

once again, the familiar knock sounded at his window as he made no attempt to move. daniel sat there. not now, corbyn, i don't want to deal with anything.

corbyn learned how to open the window himself, almost falling through with the intentions of being quiet as he froze at the sight of daniel's eyes meeting his.

"morning..." his face was dusted pink, carefully closing the window as he sat in daniel's computer chair. "i didn't know if you were awake."

daniel's face was rock, expression unchangeable as he stared at the ceiling once again. "i didn't want to open the window."

corbyn blinked. what?

daniel didn't speak after that, head finally turning as he gave a mere shrug. "i expected you to be out the window by now."

"i'm not leaving, daniel."

corbyn wanted to use a mean word, but he didn't want to anger daniel anymore. he was here to help, after all.

"what? so you can help me? i swear, corbyn, it's all in my head, you can't do shit, you've never experienced what i'm going through so you can just leave."

the blond's brow twitched, a daring look to daniel as he could feel his heart rushing in his ears. he was scared of the reaction, but he didn't want to be walked over again. daniel was just as strong as corbyn was. (he was actually more strong in the physical department, but corbyn wanted to believe they were equal.)

"if you think i haven't dealt with depression, you're quite wrong, seavey. get up, i'm bringing you somewhere for once."

it was a rash decision, and corbyn could feel his bravery crumble as nerves raced through his body. daniel was slow, they were quiet, it was obvious he was still letting off steam.

"sure you know where you're going, corbyn? 'cause if i remember right we're in a pretty deserted place."

shut up with your snarky comments, seavey.

"i'm certain, you'll see." corbyn's gaze was glued to the wet concrete below them, swallowing as he practically knew this path like the back of his hand.

"where are you even taking me anyways? we've already walked through a whole other street and it's about to end, the only thing we're coming up to is a—"

a graveyard.

they were approaching a graveyard.

-this is short but i hope the next
makes up for it

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